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terry rankings

almost 7 years

greetings epicmafia community,

here i will grade upon your character. S being the best, D being the worst.

God: error

S: Negra

A+: martyr

A: Christopherzilla, blood4bloodgod, Ace

A-: Bebop, Kapuchino

B+ baabaa, Merlot

B: ObitoSigma, SirAmelio, CoryInConstantinople

B-: Sishen, desta, theturningRAY

C+: dooze, sl0nderman



D: Jimbei

almost 7 years
I always get As on my report cards
almost 7 years
Do meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
almost 7 years
give me the F pls
almost 7 years
I want it. :(
almost 7 years
Still no ranking

almost 7 years
Grade me
almost 7 years

error says


sank u r the og

u keep things real and u have a good sense of humor

you talk about self improvement which is also important to me (im being srs. i just enjoy being a shítposter online.)

ur tsundere as fuc sometimes. i remember when you used to kick me frm every table you'd host and id beg you to give me a chance until you eventually did

you and alex are my favorite people on this site

u give good advice and you have this sincerity that can be felt even when ur roasting me
deletedalmost 7 years
ari here
almost 7 years
can i be your first f?
almost 7 years
i'm this community last hope
almost 7 years

steph says


pleasant person. speak up more for urself

you are A-
deletedalmost 7 years
I'm Doug
almost 7 years

theturningRAY says

why, but sure


idk you that well

be mor expressive.
almost 7 years
i have a good characeter
almost 7 years

martyr says




we need more ppl like u on this site
almost 7 years
im dia
almost 7 years

Yeah sounds about right.
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
I wonder how low I can set the bar.
deletedalmost 7 years
im the rank above S i dont care about a ranking from the likes of u
almost 7 years
go ahead terry
deletedalmost 7 years

MeetTerry says

CoryInConstantinople says


ur alright

sometimes ur mgtow/redpill/The_Donald overshadows me


im the antithesis of mgtw/redpill/thedonald u fkin r.etard
almost 7 years

Ace says

me 2!

almost 7 years
im new please rate me so i know what i can aspire to
almost 7 years

sammy says


ask me 2 years ago, and i would have given u a D

but ur pretty decent and funny

and i will never forget the time you shït on that other redneck white dude whose name I've forgotten.