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The Funeral Game

deletedalmost 7 years

Are you a fan of such fictional works as The Hunger Games, Battle Royale, and, let's say, um... I dunno, Danganronpa? Have you ever dreamed of participating in such a deadly game from the security and comfort of your home? Lastly, would you like to say you put the "fun" in "funeral"?

If any of the above apply to you, or even if they don't, I have just the game for you! It's called the Funeral Game, as the title of this thread suggests, and its entire premise is... well... it's another one of those death games, man. Who doesn't like death games?

The rules can be found here, and the official Discord server is here! If you want to apply, all you really have to do is give me a name for your character (or say you'd rather use your name) and agree to stay active and follow the rules.

All spots are either taken or on hold, but if you want to spectate, just march on in and ask to be given the Spectator role! There's no limit on spectators.

This sounds cool, Kale!
21 signed
Sign this petition to give me the attention and validation we all crave.
almost 7 years

prdove says

Any roles open?

Not right now, sorry! You can still watch, though.
almost 7 years
I'll join as Kirby thx
almost 7 years
Are you a fan of such fictional works as The Hunger Games, Battle Royale, and, let's say, um... I dunno, Danganronpa? - Nah.

Have you ever dreamed of participating in such a deadly game from the security and comfort of your home? - Nah Nah

Lastly, would you like to say you put the "fun" in "funeral"? - Well, uh, technically, uh, nah.
almost 7 years
Any roles open?
deletedalmost 7 years

flippo135 says

I'll reserve. Or put me on wait list.

Check your inbox.
almost 7 years
Kick a weeb and put me in bossman
almost 7 years
I'll reserve. Or put me on wait list.
deletedalmost 7 years
Dang. Actually, there may be a spot opening. Stay on hold.
deletedalmost 7 years
Hey, so all the spots are either filled or on hold, buuuuut there's infinite room to watch the game! :D
almost 7 years
I'm your huckleberry
deletedalmost 7 years
I'll join as alice
almost 7 years
I'd like to join as Chuck
almost 7 years
Put me in, coach (as Sean)
deletedalmost 7 years
Gotcha. Five more slots.
almost 7 years

baabaa says

ill do it as! emma!!

deletedalmost 7 years
Four spots remaining, two on hold. Oh, gosh.
almost 7 years
pick me I'm Jeff
deletedalmost 7 years
Guys, I'm gonna put this here. If you want to sign up, please make some kind of announcement in the waiting room so that I know you have a Discord to play it with.
almost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
I'll do it as Fred!
almost 7 years
ill do it as! emma!!
almost 7 years
sign me up as Pica :3
deletedalmost 7 years
By the way, it won't be exclusively EM players in the game, but I'm expecting a majority. :-O
deletedalmost 7 years

Kitty123 says

I was expecting this to be for my real life funeral :^(

One day, buddy...
almost 7 years
I was expecting this to be for my real life funeral :^(