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EM: The Genius EP 2

about 7 years

Beautiful Defeats and Ugly Victories

Welcome back to the Genius.

In our first episode, 13 contestants entered, and now 12 remain. For more information, please go to the results thread here:

The next game will take place on Friday, June 30th at Noon PST

For more information regarding the nature of this game, please refer to my first thread, here:

Those who have played in the last round will be given priority registration. Please PM me (through Epic Mafia, or Discord if you're added) to reserve a spot.

As a reminder, these games will be played on Discord. I will be present in the Survivor chatroom from an hour before the game starts if you would like to get in contact with me before then.

Any new players will start with 0 garnets, as opposed to 1. However, if you can convince a player who participated in episode 1 to give you their garnet(s), that is permissible.

The journey and the result.

The group and the individual.

Beautiful defeats and ugly victories.

Now, a match beyond your imagination continues.

Current sign-ups: 11/12


Kane (Wolf)

Socially Awkward Bee


11235813213455 (Clockwise)







(technically waitlist)

Poryful Z

Colester 112

almost 7 years
I won't be able to play so I'll give my tokens to Socially Awkward Bee
about 7 years
about 7 years

Picante says

Sure, I'll return again ^~^

flippo135 says

I'll play.

yuujin says


11235813213455 says

I'd like to return ^^

You have all been added to the sign ups.
deletedabout 7 years
I'd like to return ^^
about 7 years
about 7 years
I'll play.
about 7 years
Sure, I'll return again ^~^