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personal forum

about 7 years

we have 7+2 forums, I prefer keeping it to a maximum of 6+2 to avoid dissipating discussion. I've been around sandbox for about five years and when there have been more forums there has been less discussion. i want to get rid of the personal forum because it was a containment forum made for spam topics before the spam forum was made, but first I want you to tell me what you think

I do not want to debate you. post concisely why you think the personal forum should stay or go, im not reading your dissertation about it

if the personal forum goes, the threads will be moved to their appropriate forums (threads with discussion value will go to gd, spam/opinion threads and blogs will go to spam, if any thread fits into another category it'll go there)

if the personal forum stays, I'm going to make a similar topic about the entertainment forum

this isn't a vote

deletedabout 7 years
can you please sticky the last album listened to then
about 7 years

sl0nderman says

what about my ability to shake that

about 7 years
gd and entertainment are two very inactive forums

Chaika says

Merge General Discussion and Entertainment, simple.

Last post made in General discussion: 1 day ago, 1 day ago, 1 day ago, 2 days ago.

Last post made in Entertainment: 10 h ago, 2 days ago, 3 days ago, 4 days ago.

i think if they were combined, it wouldn't create less discussion but actually more discussion because the forum would be browsed more frequently

don't worry it'll all work out <3
deletedabout 7 years
i'm dumb so was that a yes music/love live/ect threads possibly deserve to live fulfilling lives or is that a no go back to the days before the extra forums and music kept getting lost in the shuffle
about 7 years

funk says

i know your mind is already set but entertainment deserves to remain separate. it doesn't quite mesh with meetterry and cory's type of discussion.

neither does gd, those go in spam where they belong
deletedabout 7 years
i know your mind is already set but entertainment deserves to remain separate. it doesn't quite mesh with meetterry and cory's type of discussion.
about 7 years
ok i basically already decided to scrap entertainment and even though personal is dumb i can just move it to the bottom so it doesn't obfuscate other forums and it's not worth the backlash removing it even though it's dumb

enjoy the entertainment forum for 5 days and 5 hours while it lasts
about 7 years
have just one category that says shitposting
about 7 years
what about community
that's such a broad category and probably any post made there could be filtered into Epicmafia, General, or Personal
about 7 years
Merge General Discussion and Entertainment, simple.

Last post made in General discussion: 1 day ago, 1 day ago, 1 day ago, 2 days ago.

Last post made in Entertainment: 10 h ago, 2 days ago, 3 days ago, 4 days ago.
about 7 years
I agree with nearbeer. Entertainment does seem to be used the least and could easily be combined to general discussion.
about 7 years
late to the party but I'd personally merge Entertainment with General discussion since themes of what is discussed there overlap a lot. Also like sandwich said it's underused like crazy
about 7 years
i love rain

i'd book my wedding on a rainy day intentionally
about 7 years
ironic how the debate on wether personal forums r spam is slowly becoming itself spam
like rain on a wedding day
deletedabout 7 years
Entertainment seems like the most underused forum IMO
about 7 years
siramelio everything you post so far is insightful in the simplest possible way
about 7 years

Floor says

seeing personal forum posts on the top 5 most recent posts is a waste

while this is true, moving personal threads to spam does nothing to fix this issue
about 7 years
I say ditch it, but it probably won't make much difference imo.

I personally enjoy reading personal threads but honestly I haven't seen much there that couldn't be made in any other boards.

Wouldn't mind wading through the spam board because we can easily search the topics we care about.
about 7 years
removing a forum conflicts with doing nothing
about 7 years
about 7 years
I respect you for standing up for your ideas but its just become excessive and just redundant. It's easy to see cub is exhausted from this bickering and is just straight fed up as the whole thing has been blown out of proportion. Sometimes you gotta know when to cut your loses and just roll with whats dealt to you. It's a part of life kiddo

I do not want to debate you. post concisely why you think the personal forum should stay or go, im not reading your dissertation about it

about 7 years
only 5 days and 22 hours to go
about 7 years
if that floats your boat
about 7 years

Alyssa says

I don't know why you have to group everyone else with me to try and devalue them in some weird sense but sure, this is all just a grand conspiracy against cub, the person who will destroy epic mafia as a whole. Whatever floats your boat I guess.

isnt this exactly what happened with bebop the first time
about 7 years
I'm trying to have a discussion on ownership sorry that you've taken personal offense to my ideas and my legitimate questions.

@Negra Golbolco didn't last a week and hima didn't even last a day, that's unfair to say because every ownership that lasted long enough went to the gutter with in-activeness and little to know transparency and answers

I don't know why you have to group everyone else with me to try and devalue them in some weird sense but sure, this is all just a grand conspiracy against cub, the person who will destroy epic mafia as a whole. Whatever floats your boat I guess.