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EatemupVivor 14: Redemption Island

deletedabout 7 years

Monday, June 26th, 7:00 PM EST

Come on in, guys!

I will be hosting EatemupVivor 14: Redemption Island! The last time I saw a Redemption Island game here was cjn104/JacobV's Blood vs Water in December, so I thought I'd host one myself! I'm quite excited to host this, and I hope you guys sign up!

Survivors ready... GO!

I will be hosting for 18 players.

Reserve List:

  1. snip
  2. Ally
  3. FireDragonPrince
  4. wroche2
  5. HalseyMartinez
  6. Jakulore
  7. jacktiggs
  8. jbomber732
  9. benfox2
  10. Ginga
  11. arisuu
  12. JohnBatman
  13. itxLuca
  14. Sports123492
  15. colester112
  16. YanmegaMan
  17. Bob01
  18. Accost


  1. CJKelly
  2. TomBrady0
  3. 11235813213455
  4. OPEN
  5. OPEN
  6. OPEN
about 7 years
oops actually can't :( sorry. take me off
about 7 years
hella reserve B)
deletedabout 7 years
reserving for 4Random2
deletedabout 7 years
tenta reserve
about 7 years
about 7 years
Remember when we talked about hosting this kind of game together? ;) We hosted a slightly better game though lolol. Tentareserve.
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
bboy29 reserves.
about 7 years
i love redemption island
about 7 years
tenta reserve
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
tenta reserve
about 7 years
Reserving, cause I'll be a flop in this game :)
deletedabout 7 years
tenta reserve <3
deletedabout 7 years
reserving for tillie
about 7 years
i'll reserve while i wait for my turn in Dark Souls 3 :^)
deletedabout 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
i'll reserve cuz i've never played a game of yours :p