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EatemupVivor 14: Redemption Island

deletedabout 7 years

Monday, June 26th, 7:00 PM EST

Come on in, guys!

I will be hosting EatemupVivor 14: Redemption Island! The last time I saw a Redemption Island game here was cjn104/JacobV's Blood vs Water in December, so I thought I'd host one myself! I'm quite excited to host this, and I hope you guys sign up!

Survivors ready... GO!

I will be hosting for 18 players.

Reserve List:

  1. snip
  2. Ally
  3. FireDragonPrince
  4. wroche2
  5. HalseyMartinez
  6. Jakulore
  7. jacktiggs
  8. jbomber732
  9. benfox2
  10. Ginga
  11. arisuu
  12. JohnBatman
  13. itxLuca
  14. Sports123492
  15. colester112
  16. YanmegaMan
  17. Bob01
  18. Accost


  1. CJKelly
  2. TomBrady0
  3. 11235813213455
  4. OPEN
  5. OPEN
  6. OPEN
about 7 years
I guess I'll reserve as a backup. We'll see what happens.
about 7 years
unreserve, i keep being forced into other plans D;
about 7 years
Reserving for Jacktiggs
deletedabout 7 years
bump! Excited to host this!
about 7 years
I'll reserve if needed
about 7 years
will tenta-reserve as backup
about 7 years
Uh if I have to work tomorrow I'll be unreserving, but might not remember to post tomorrow which is when I'll find out so if I don't show up for some reason that's why k thx.
about 7 years
I have to unreserve ;(
deletedabout 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
i will be a backup!
about 7 years
throw me in as a backup too?
deletedabout 7 years
I'll reserve as a backup?
deletedabout 7 years
this game is gonna be such a flop but ITS NOW JUNE 26TH AT 7PM EST!!! SORRY UGLYDUCKLING
about 7 years
Sorry I unreserve.
deletedabout 7 years
THE GAME IS BACK ON! Sunday, June 25th at 8:30 PM EST! If you need to change your reserve status due to the timing, please do so now, however I will give priority to those whom have already reserved.
deletedabout 7 years
I forgot to mention that this is on hold until I figure out when I'm going to host this. I messed up when scheduling this as i only saw that the date/time was open on the game schedule. I apologize.
about 7 years
about 7 years

Jun says

It's really funny to me how almost half the people on this reserve list including the host reserved for cjn's TDI on Saturday 17th but they're also playing in this at the same time?
Is this a new technology? New trend? Can I clone myself too?

Have an alt, log into alt on mobile, TDImain on computer, proceed to attend both games
about 7 years
about 7 years

YanmegaMan says

Yeah, I didn't realize it was at the same time as the TDI game. I'm gonna unreserve.

It's very likely one of these games will get rescheduled, especially since eatemuptigs reserved for the TDI game.
about 7 years
Yeah, I didn't realize it was at the same time as the TDI game. I'm gonna unreserve.
about 7 years
It's really funny to me how almost half the people on this reserve list including the host reserved for cjn's TDI on Saturday 17th but they're also playing in this at the same time?
Is this a new technology? New trend? Can I clone myself too?

about 7 years
I'll come in and snipe that last reserve.
about 7 years
reserve >3