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Would this be a good idea?

deletedabout 7 years

I'm thinking about doing a record. A 49 player Survivor/Big Brother with me as the host. However, it wouldn't be all in one night, I would split it up into manageable 3-4 hour segments over 4-5 nights, that way you are able to play and not be super tired the next day. I'll keep track of who's in and kick everyone who isn't. I think it would be fun. Would anyone be interested in this? I would want to get it done by Mid-July or so. Or, if you don't like this, should I do like a 10 week league of like 20 people, and whoever scores the most points wins?

about 7 years
TBH if you want to do that many players just make it a Forum Game. They're easier to split up and are designed to take multiple days anyway. I'm not a super-experienced host or anything I wouldn't be as helpful as some of the other people in the Lobby, but I think that it would be nearly impossible to make any sort of game that revolves around that many schedules.
about 7 years
Just to expand upon what Alec is saying, I would never go above 24 people without a cohost, even if you're the most experienced host in the lobby.
about 7 years
I agree with alec. You definitely should get a lot of experience hosting before you even think about hosting something of this magnitude. And by a lot I don't mean like 10 little games.
about 7 years
I would advise anyone––before they try hosting on such a large scale––to gain more hosting/playing experience. If you feel that's not necessary, you can totally go ahead and try it.
@Bob01 I second that.
about 7 years
I agree with bob here that it's very difficult to organize games around the schedules of 30+ people.
about 7 years
The thing about splitting the game up over many days is that someone could be in the game, but they might not be able to come for the next day.