It means: The town win ratio must be higher than 42 and lower than 55. The scum win ratio must be higher than 45 and lower than 57.
55% for any alingment should be the point for a setup to be removed after 200 plays.
You can't pick mafia to be a favourite over town. Both allingments must have the same %
At least thats how i read it. Or else it would be just picking sides . Mafia and town should have the same % to be unbalanced.
57:42 for new setup, 55:45 after 200 plays. for mafia/town winrate.
xxerox says "Town:Mafia win ratio does not exceed 42:57 or 55:45 (after ~200 plays)." The mafia win ratio is 56% after 7000 plays, so it is unbalanced. 56 is less than 57 :)
Also request Frontier Justice to be removed because it is unbalanced.
I want to request new setups that have less than 20 plays to be posted for double points a day before the round starts, so people to play them and to see if the results show if the setup will be balanced.
fairyprincess69 says why are the rounds like that? jumping from 535 to 541 and such Private lobies can make their own rounds. "Town:Mafia win ratio does not exceed 42:57 or 55:45 (after ~200 plays)."
The mafia win ratio is 56% after 7000 plays, so it is unbalanced.
deleted almost 8 years
why are the rounds like that? jumping from 535 to 541 and such
I mean, it can be unbalanced in the wrong run. We shouldnt comp setups we don't know how they will turn out . This setup has only 2 plays...
it can go any way.
Should we make a rule about comping games that have more than 2 plays?
deleted almost 8 years
Lucid will not notice anyone being helpful on the forums to consider them for next admin
Lono says xxerox is claiming edark forced us to be unhelpful and not do anything Sure seems like it.
Why suddenly now that Edark is gone, everyone is trying to be usefull and nice?
Or you are just hopeing to be the next admin?
deleted almost 8 years
xxerox is claiming edark forced us to be unhelpful and not do anything
You can trophy back to back, and you can comp a previously comp'd setup after 5 rounds.
Is there a rule i am breaking mr. Miguel?
deleted almost 8 years
You brought this upon yourself lono you unbanned him
I respect only those that voiced themselves WHILE Edark was admin and risked getting removed as mods for standing up to him.
Did you guys notice, but after Edark is gone as head admin, some mods suddenly become more usefull than before. Shows how bad as people they are , that they prefered to hide and not do anything usefull unless Edark told them, rather that standing up to him.
PonyLove says Lono says That thread also states you can't win trophies in back to back rounds (and probably other outdated rules) Why hasn't a mod unstickied it and made a new thread? Don't ask questions you already know the answer of.
Lono says That thread also states you can't win trophies in back to back rounds (and probably other outdated rules) Why hasn't a mod unstickied it and made a new thread?