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Chickens Of EM

about 7 years

      ★     Chickens Of EM     ★

  wow its a thread about everyones favourite domesticated fowl!


at least some users have chickens this is the place for all your chicken husbandry discussions, photographs, and fun.

post a verification chicken to enter the infamous league of poultry possessors

almost 7 years
Pls post more chickens :O
almost 7 years

dooze says

This is Einstein she's a sassy bi.tch

the post that started it all
about 7 years
today was the silkies' first time experiencing rain

they are soggy chickers
about 7 years
I have a side chick does that count
about 7 years
about 7 years
important update

pepper killed an earwig
deletedabout 7 years

Mekena says

All of your chickens are so cute I love them all

i think mine was the cutest
about 7 years
also did anyone say that this thread is absolutely fowl yet
about 7 years
animals are friendos not food
about 7 years
All of your chickens are so cute I love them all
about 7 years

favors says

deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
F u c k I love silkies enjoy them omg
about 7 years

meet Salt & Pepper
about 7 years
today we have 2 new silkie chicks they are so cute

pics later

the breeder had them all in tiny cages it was kinda sad

we wanted 3 but she'd already sold some or something :(
about 7 years
Wait TSA were you the one who messaged me about finding a random chicken like two years ago? Someone did ad it was a silver spangled Hamburg kinda like that one.

Also my local feed store has a ton of pullets and I kinda want to slowly buy them all without my parents noticing lmao there's also a buff Cochin bantam roo there who I want SO BADLY
about 7 years

TheStyleAisle says

I just found this topic!!! Great thread!!! I thought I would introduce my three buddies here to hang out with the various other EM chickens.

Good luck the adoption for Maymay, Ben!!!

eta: From bottom to top, we have Braveheart, Penny, and Surry.

very beautiful hens

that speckled one is so pretty what breed is she
about 7 years

Orion says

Herredy says

I had pet chickens before...

What did u do with them........ :^(

You mean what did the circle of life do with them ;-;
about 7 years

Herredy says

I had pet chickens before...

What did u do with them........ :^(
deletedabout 7 years
I had pet chickens before...
about 7 years
about 7 years

I just found this topic!!! Great thread!!! I thought I would introduce my three buddies here to hang out with the various other EM chickens.

Good luck the adoption for Maymay, Ben!!!

eta: From bottom to top, we have Braveheart, Penny, and Surry.
about 7 years
Chickens suck.
about 7 years
we bought them as fertilised eggs

they either may not have been fertilised in the first place or just did not survive
about 7 years

Ben says

sad times.

the eggs under poor maymay have been very overdue to hatch which is not good. We decided to give up on them.

We cracked them open and none of them had developed. maymay has been sitting on duds this whole time poor thing i feel bad

Have you tried... inseminating the eggs?