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New Featured Setups

over 7 years

As I'm sure you can see, I've moved the "Official" setups to the "x2" setups position on the lobby wall, which lists them higher up the page than they previously were. This now means that there are 2 free slots on the old featured setups box, the other 2 being taken up by 3rd Party Battle Royale and Golbultima 7. Please use this thread to suggest 2 new setups to join Golbultima 7 and 3rd Party Battle Royale in the Featured Setups box.

You can see the new slot for "Official" setups in the bottom right of this image.

over 7 years
Bebop, instead of the real official setup we all loved, you featured a gay setup with creepy girl. Please revert to the old setup.
deletedover 7 years
Congrats on ownership! We're all so proud of you!
over 7 years
I heard the Parubox setup is great.
over 7 years

here are some setup ideas for people who don't know any other setups
over 7 years
NOTE: Just because setups are listed as x2, the point payouts will not be doubled as there's no point payout to begin with.