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dooze's master list of setups

about 8 years

I started making setups when I'm bored.

I also want to see the setups you've created, so please share them!!!

sandbox-eque setups: all have 12 person, closed roles

  • Nevertheless, She Persisted- all female roles
  • Ladies' Night Out- JamalMarley's all female setup
  • Jimbonions v4- Jimbei's version of a sandbox setup
  • The Police Station- full of cops, detectives, drunks and hookers
  • 1776- sandbox setup without the benefits of modern day technologies
  • Furries- no humans, just weebs
  • The Kam Setup!- nomchu's version of the sandbox setup (Ally hosts this too!)
  • Snoopin' Aboot- When celeb posts their religious views online, a sudden splurge of cultists, masons, and mafia want the celeb dead, join forces and prevent the celeb from being converted. Made by Pieoverload.

non-sandbox setups: do not fit regular sandbox reqs

  • Waifu Wars V2- battle of the brides setup by Kaworu (14 person)
  • Party+- fun party setup courtesy of Golbolco #neverforget (12 person)

sh^ts and giggles:

almost 8 years

I always enjoy this setup.
almost 8 years
all updated!!
about 8 years
about 8 years
Some of the big game setups I usually host:

Super-Duper Fun SB Party (v3.2):
20 person closed-role game, 8 town, 4 mafia, 8 thirds

The Gangbang Setup (v1.3):
25 person closed-role game, 8 town, 4 mafia, 13 thirds

Amateur Clusterf_ck (v1.1):
30 person game, 12 town, 12 mafia, 8 thirds

Absolute Clusterf_ck (v1.2)
My signature 50 person game, 27 town, 10 mafia, 13 thirds
deletedabout 8 years

The Kam Setup, made by nomchu. this is the one i host all the time :-)
about 8 years

CooperD says

I love this thread! This is what sandbox has needed for so long - more originality!

I hope this isn't sarcasm but if it's not thank you c:
deletedabout 8 years
I love this thread! This is what sandbox has needed for so long - more originality!
about 8 years

JamalMarley says

Terrible that you copied.

omg jamal i had no idea. 10/10. proves we're soulmates.
about 8 years
Terrible that you copied.
deletedabout 8 years
Jimbonions v4:

Objectively what the sandbox setup should look like
about 8 years
about 8 years
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years