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about 7 years

Help troll main users into playing silly game modes with guise only!

Vote YES! to have the next round be anon-setups only!

If you agree to this, vote in the poll in main lobby, and sign my petition!

Vote "YES" for Anon-only Main Lobby competition
7 signed
I voted YES in the poll on the main lobby!
about 7 years
about 7 years
I voted yes because guise competitions are cool.
about 7 years

Heist says

where is that uk candidate politics test thing its urgent someone link plx
about 7 years
where is that uk candidate politics test thing its urgent someone link plx
about 7 years
I don't play with mods
about 7 years
i think you know the answer to that
about 7 years
Those appear in games?
about 7 years
yellow star
about 7 years
And why do you think that is
about 7 years
no i get n1'd on that account i was on one of my alts
about 7 years
On the account of Bebop?
about 7 years
about 7 years
Within sandbox?
about 7 years
i have played several today
about 7 years

You don't even play games
about 7 years
zippy aren't you supposed to be a role moderator? get out of my lobby
about 7 years
When will we have a battle snakes only comp round?
deletedabout 7 years
guise only? bit sexist
deletedabout 7 years
only if the only decks they get to play are mlp and danganronpa
about 7 years
nice to MEAT you lol