There is a teleporter that connected to 4 locations: one directly east and west, and two below (one higher, one lower). There are 4 switches that are pressed to tell the teleporter where to go. The location of the switches is indicated in the picture.
Now please refer to the poll. I'm not saying who's layout is which to avoid any bias.
Which layout of switches makes more logical sense for nagivation?
it's particularly neat because you don't have to understand terraria to understand the wire patterns since they use primary colors and overlaying wires use mixed colors, which are universal things you should understand if you know how colors work
what does that contribute to this discussion though besides taking a wiring demonstration out of context to call my preferences into question to somehow say that because the left design is mine that means it's bad because it's by me and not for any real reason
i did not read any post in this thread excep for op but the image on the right makes the most sense and would be in my opinion easier to update for future teleporters.
the one on the left looks like a kid with an extra chromosome made it in minecraft
but see the issue here is that there are multiple vertical destinations. Across all telepoters (except the end ones obviously), there are at least two left and right switches to take one to the next of the surface teleporters. They're all not at the same height, but the player does not need to expect a change in height because the primary function of these teleporters are to travels east and west across the surface.
while terraria may define the higher of the two dungeon teleporters as still the surface, it is obviously lower than the surface height and the teleporter height there. the second dungeon teleporter is extremely lower. you can shrink down the image as much as you like, but you can't argue that in t he players eyes they are moving down. That is why it makes little sense to have a switch level or upwards of the surface switches
that one teleporter spot is elevated, all directions lead down
the difference is one leads to the surface and one leads underground
since the other teleporters are on the surface and the dungeon surface is on the surface, that means they should be on the same level, and the dungeon underground should be below them