about 7 years

Have a wonderful celebration Christians or people from Christian backgrounds (or just people that live in Western countries but celebrate Easter anyway)! I hope you all had the chance to meet your family and be together and just had a great time.

What kind of Easter traditions do you and your family have?

about 7 years
I celebrate everyday as easter because no day is better than any other day
about 7 years

tigermom says

Interesting fact: Easter is more important a holiday for Christians than Christmas as it marks the resurrection (as opposed to the birth) of Jesus, which is the most important miracle/the basis of Christianity! (Sorry I suck at explaining this lucidly. Maybe someone can help?)

This was lucidly enough imo. I think the fact alone that places are still open on easter as opposed to christmas shows that easter is more valued as a christian holiday rather than a westernized holiday. Also it's always on the holiest day of the week!
about 7 years
I'm not very religious anymore. If I had to identify as anything I'm agnostic but anyway, my mom on the other hand is a devote catholic. I usually go to church with her or by myself on holidays. Unfortunately I couldn't make it yesterday because I had to work. Usually we go to my aunt's house for Easter but bc of family issues on that end we just decided to have our own little thing. So yesterday it was just me, one of my sisters, my mom, and my dad. And we had dinner at 3 and watched movies. Then my dad went to work so we visited my grandparent's grave and got some cocktails after. It was a really nice break from the usual hectic-ness of holidays in my family.

I miss dying easter eggs so badly though. My mom bought the stuff and I might just do some myself today lol .
about 7 years
Easter Vigil, stay up the night eating and drinking, sleep, then big dinner feast with lots of cooking and cleaning before and after :^ ) We also used to do Easter egg hunts when I was little in the morning/afternoon, but our egg game is pretty minimal lel.

And yee without Easter/The ressurection, Christianity wouldn't exist
about 7 years
how do u know
about 7 years
god isnt real
about 7 years
"Have a wonderful celebration Christians or people from Christian backgrounds (or just people that live in Western countries but celebrate Easter anyway)!"

the fact that you need to preface like this proves this place is cancer
about 7 years
praise be unto jamal for He has risen
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
Vespers in the morning, followed by Divine Liturgy, followed by work (reeee), but will be cooking giant feast--roast, mashed potatoes, asparagus, fresh baked bread, roasted carrots, chocolate mousse in honor of our King who has Risen :)
about 7 years
Interesting fact: Easter is more important a holiday for Christians than Christmas as it marks the resurrection (as opposed to the birth) of Jesus, which is the most important miracle/the basis of Christianity! (Sorry I suck at explaining this lucidly. Maybe someone can help?)
about 7 years
wait ppl actually celebrate easter woops
about 7 years
my family does a really nice lunch/dinner every easter ! this year it's ham, stuffing, green beans, deviled eggs, and mashed potatoes (and rolls, of course). we also get each other some sweets/candy, and we all eat together and it's probably one of the few times of the year we do a prayer together (my family is somewhat religious, moreso than me). when i was younger we did egg decorated and sparklers.
about 7 years
Thought I'd share my celebrations. Although I'm an atheist like dooze, I still engage pretty seriously in Christian traditions, mostly because my fam's Christian and it's a thing in our country (you know, Christianity is the only religion). Besides if atheist Jews can celebrate or atheist Muslims can stay close to their traditions then why can't I? (I am inviting everyone into the discussion of whether atheists should partake in such celebrations)

Anyway we go to church in the morning (I only went to the Easter Vigil once and it was like 4-5 hours. Never again!) and then we go to either of my grandparents' houses, there we eat eggs (lots of them), but before that we play that game where everyone takes out an egg and punches it into another person's egg and we play like this until only one egg is unbroken and that is the winner. Also we used to play that game (when I was a child that is) which is kind of similar to petanque in that there's this cliff from which you roll an egg and it has to hit another player's egg and if it does then you get that player's egg. The winner is the one with the most eggs (but then s/he has to eat them all so idk if that's a win or a loss)

Anyway for me it went kind of fine this year apart from the fact that my stomach volume increased twofold (I'd been fasting during Lent on meat and sweets) and I gained a couple of kilos.
about 7 years
excellent thread tigermom, it's important we stop and think of how much god loves us this easter season
about 7 years
When you go to crucify someone new and that Jewish guy isn't there anymore

about 7 years
Yes my drug store discounts all easter products to 80% five days after easter
about 7 years
im atheist but my easter tradition is buying creme eggs the day after easter
deletedabout 7 years
i dont celebrate any day, or depending on how you look at it, i celebrate every day equally
about 7 years
waiting for furry to post a degenerate bunny pic