over 7 years

Merlot's layout for this is much better than my old one.

For logging punishment against a user:

Punished user:

Reason for punishment:

Punishment given:

Assigned moderator:


For logging reasons for deleting posts/threads/etc:

Person who posted the thread or post:

Reason for deletion:

Punishment, if applicable:


Posting a banned user into this thread:

Original account:

Reason for permanent ban:

(You need only to post a permanently banned user once; after that, there's no need to post their alts, should they be mass evading.)

over 7 years
Punished: CoryInConstantinople


Reason for punishment: Continual harassment even when asked to stop.

Punishment given: 3hr forum/comment/chat ban.

Assigned mod: Chaika

Other: Be grateful that it's only 3.



over 7 years
Punished user: Sert3t

Reason for punishment: Inappropriate Content spammed in game https://epicmafia.com/game/5882659
Day 1

Punishment given: 24hr lobby ban

Assigned moderator: dooze

Other: nO pron pls
over 7 years
Punished user: iminthetoilet

Reason for punishment: Inappropriate Content

Punishment given: 24 hour forum, comment and chat ban

Assigned moderator: Bebop

Other: zzz
over 7 years
i never finished the reason for punishment aaa

Reason for punishment: ascii spam on lobby wall like no stop that
over 7 years
Punished user: Hsudid

Reason for punishment: ascii

Punishment given: 1 hour comment ban

Assigned moderator: dooze

Other: he deleted it bc he realized his wrongs.
over 7 years
Punished user: iminthetoilet

Reason for punishment: ascii

Punishment given: 3 hour comment ban

Assigned moderator: dooze/SirAmelio

Other: pls delete it because I can't until