over 7 years

Merlot's layout for this is much better than my old one.

For logging punishment against a user:

Punished user:

Reason for punishment:

Punishment given:

Assigned moderator:


For logging reasons for deleting posts/threads/etc:

Person who posted the thread or post:

Reason for deletion:

Punishment, if applicable:


Posting a banned user into this thread:

Original account:

Reason for permanent ban:

(You need only to post a permanently banned user once; after that, there's no need to post their alts, should they be mass evading.)

over 7 years
Punished user: cub

Reason for punishment: Deactivating Jink

Punishment given: Ownership of Sandbox Lobby

Assigned moderator: Bebop

Other: Now they're your problem.

thanks jimbei good meme appreciate it
over 7 years
Person who posted the thread or post: Sansruse

Reason for deletion: Far too long

Punishment, if applicable: None

Other: If you want to post comments that long please just make a thread instead
over 7 years
Punished user: xxerox, ZeroFurrbone, IAmNotABC (and any other alt he wants to evade on)

Reason for punishment: https://epicmafia.com/topic/85120

Punishment given: 3 hour forum/comment/chat ban

Assigned moderator: Bebop

Other: I put animals over humans, and this is why i am a furry.
over 7 years
Punished user: Mishima https://epicmafia.com/user/664984#/
Reason: X-rated
Punishment given: 1hr lobby ban
Assigned moderator: Chaika
Other: https://epicmafia.com/game/5998461
I'd recommend not posting in sandbox these sort of things:
over 7 years
Punished user: Ghuffjx
Reason: Spamming HC in lobby chat
Punishment given: 1hr chat ban
Assigned moderator: dooze
Other: Pending HC vio
over 7 years
Punished user: Furry

Reason for punishment: Posting the same comment after I repeatedly deleted it

Punishment given: 2 hour forum/comment/chat ban

Assigned moderator: Bebop

Other: take a hint
over 7 years
Punished user: SilentDriver https://epicmafia.com/user/470362

Reason for punishment: Needs a break

Punishment given: 1 measly hour of chat ban

Assigned moderator: Chaika

Other: He drives

over 7 years
Punished user: Negra https://epicmafia.com/user/153086

Reason for punishment: Not Nice Words

Punishment given: 1 hour chat ban

Assigned moderator: Chaika

Other: Try me

over 7 years
post above was:

Bebop says

Punished user: Plissken

Reason for punishment: Continually spamming in the lobby through various mediums

Punishment given: 2 week comment/forum/chat ban

Assigned moderator: Bebop

Other: the community has spoken

dooze misclicked and deleted it
over 7 years
Punished user: Plissken

Reason for punishment: Continuous spamming over several different mediums in the lobby

Punishment given: 2 week forum/comment/chat ban

Assigned moderator: Bebop

Other: the community has spoken
over 7 years
Punished user: Scumboodler

Reason for punishment: Not Nice Words

Punishment given: 12 hour chat/comment/forum ban

Assigned moderator: Bebop

Other: use Nice Words in future http://i.imgur.com/UsvI681.png
over 7 years

Punished user: HatefulComments

Reason for punishment: lives up to their name

Punishment given: indefinite lobby ban, due to the bad intentions of this account.

Assigned moderator: dooze

over 7 years
Punished user: https://epicmafia.com/user/660323#/

Reason for punishment: harrasment and hc

Punishment given: 48 hours lobby ban

Assigned moderator: SirAmelio

Other: probably a banned user so it would neat if someone could check
over 7 years
Person who posted the thread or post: https://epicmafia.com/user/658347#/

Reason for deletion: link to p*rn in several threads

Punishment, if applicable: forum, chat and comments ban

Other: zzz
over 7 years
Person who posted the thread or post: Plissken

Reason for deletion: Go post 2 YouTube embeds in one comment somewhere else, your regular comments are obnoxious enough

Punishment, if applicable: Public shaming

Other: plissken's 200th was more entertaining and that's saying something
over 7 years
Punished user: xiuxiufunnymoments https://epicmafia.com/user/645465#/

Reason for punishment: Xrated

Punishment given: 1 day lobby ban

Assigned moderator: Chaika

Other: https://puu.sh/vN7cx/bc0886f8c1.png
over 7 years
Punished user: Smartbot https://epicmafia.com/user/656822

Reason for punishment: Bot flooding while adding nothing meaningful to chat.

Punishment given: Indefinite chat ban

Assigned moderator: Chaika

Other: This is only chatbox for now, all other bots that prove to be an annoyance will face similar actions.
over 7 years
Punished user: SignUpNowForFreeLogi, EDIT: YouThoughtYouCouldGe (this alt too)

Reason for punishment: HC

Punishment given: 1 hour chat/forum/comment ban

Assigned moderator: Bebop

Other: be a good goy
over 7 years
Punished user: https://epicmafia.com/user/653115#/
Reason: impersonation of xiuxiufunnymoments

Punished user: dorris13
Reason: HC in chat
over 7 years
Punished user: BarbaraSmith

Reason for punishment: Harassment/Spam

Punishment given: 48 hour forum/comment/chat

Assigned moderator: Bebop

Other: take a hint when your frivolous accusations against users are deleted and don't repost them incessantly
over 7 years
Punished user: Plissken https://epicmafia.com/user/120422

Reason for punishment: Excessive spamming on the comment wall and being a general annoyance.

Punishment given: 1 hr chat/comment ban

Assigned moderator: Chaika

Other: Only 1 hour, please control yourself.


over 7 years
Punished user: BishopB

Reason for punishment: posting x-rated links in chat

Punishment given: lobby ban

Assigned moderator: SirAmelio

Other: considering their sh*tposting its very obviously a banned user anyways
over 7 years
Punished user: Fading

Reason for punishment: harrasment and hc

Punishment given: 48 hours chat/forums/comments ban

Assigned moderator: SirAmelio

Other: https://epicmafia.com/report/216106
over 7 years
Person who posted the thread or post: iminthetoilet

Reason for deletion: nothing good can come of this

Punishment, if applicable: none

Other: stop
over 7 years
Punished user: Fading

Reason for punishment: harrasment in chat, forums and comments

Punishment given: 24 hours ban of chat, forums and comments

Assigned moderator: SirAmelio

Other: was asked by both the victim and myself to stop and they didn't.