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Where's the empathy

deletedabout 7 years

Yesterday I reported SilentDriver for sending me a distasteful PM taking advantage of a report I previously filed because of it's malicious intent to the community. While the contents of the report irrelevant I used a year old report to prove that the times he does return to EM he uses that time to goad me on chatbox and PMs.

Bebop immediately enters to undermine my report despite my reasoning of being uncomfortable, certainly with other reports on his deleted account that has been made, however, Merlot is able to take the higher ground and show empathy in the situation to ask SD to not interact with me(he did anyways this following morning), but it sets good precedent to split two obviously incompatible users apart instead of taunting it in their face.

Because, after the reasoning is given, all Bebop has to comment is "stupid". I was going to let it slide until he became owner. Is this the attitude we will have in sandbox? Many good users have been harassed off the site in various manners, and those that decide to stay are bullied on anything they're sensitive about and exploited by a bunch of e-drama lovers.

If sandbox is moderated like bebop moderates his discord, if people are continuously allowed to harass and when reported get to continue to mock the user and only get to continue to be recognized by the mods as friends, what will this community become in a year? We've already seen how the past year has changed sandbox, so my question is where is the empathy? When will Bebop understand that they're not just rules to punish people, they're rules to protect the community from truly awful people?

about 7 years

cub says

men are evil soulless monsters thats the lesson here

I wouldn't want to live any other way.
about 7 years
men are evil soulless monsters thats the lesson here
about 7 years
i'll definitely speak to her when she gets back from work, but if anyone else involved wants to speak to me about it in the meantime that's cool too
deletedabout 7 years
Considering the weight of the situation I'm honestly surprised on this one
about 7 years
it's entirely possible that she just forgot to mention it to me, but i haven't heard anything about it
about 7 years
Merlot told me she spoke to you 3-4 days ago and there's still no action taken.. :/

So this confirms I was lied to as well?
about 7 years
like i said, we haven't spoken about this yet so it's not my intention to let it go unanswered. once she's off work i'll talk to her about it.
about 7 years
Well Bebop, it seems you still don't see eye to eye.
Merlot did say she would discuss this, or rather had discussed this with you-- in relations to what occurred in Discord. Yes there are boundaries in which Discord and Sandbox works, but being doxxed and then harassed with information being put out there in no shape or form.

You're basically sliding dog crud under the mat waiting for it to get so putrid because you're too lazy to put an end to this charade..even Chaika saw it.

But as we all know-- no one from the higher up with power want to do anything about it, since all they care about is that their secrets and information is kept safe.
about 7 years
sure i'll talk to her about it (since we hadn't spoken about it prior to this) and i agree with taking it out of the lobby description anyway since it's fairly dead and basically serves as my personal discord rather than a sandbox one anymore
deletedabout 7 years
Feel free to bring it up with Merlot as I was under the impression that she spoke with you, she knows more than me anyhow with what happened within the discord.

All the while my point stands that it should not be within the lobby announcements unless it is properly moderated.
about 7 years
it depends what actions, things like OPI and harassment and more serious stuff has always been able to be handled within reason if it occurs off site, but if someone slurs on discord then that's not really something to worry about. in the rules of that discord it does state that things such as OPI and harassment are still not permitted and i have on occasion had to talk to people about harassment on my server.

at the same time, who got doxxed and harassed on my server? i'm not trying to have a go or anything i genuinely don't know as i don't use it that often.
deletedabout 7 years
My point still stands about Merlot's comment where she is able to have empathy and have separated two users before things escalate, as the reports I linked was things escalating in the past.

How many times would he have to say hateful comments and harass me until you would take action, Bebop? You've said before notes don't do anything, is it too much trouble to use it as a point of reference to ask a user that what they are doing is uncalled for, and to knock it off?

I was unhappy with Merlot being owner if not because of Edark's nasty intervention that she was also inactive along with Fred, but she was still able to properly keep an eye on the community. Will you be able to do the same as her, or will we repeat Error's distasteful road like in August-December?
deletedabout 7 years
but, are you going to hold people accountable for their actions in discord? You were more than happy to hold Jamal accountable for something on Skype, which is off-site, discord is directly linked to the sandbox lobby, and someone in there was doxed and harassed, where's the justice? Discord should not be in the lobby bio if the user who there are logs of harassing someone knowing who they were from EM if it is not going to be moderated similarly to sandbox(or moderated at all for that matter)
deletedabout 7 years
also if u think something happening 12 months ago and then it happening again after a year is harassment ur pretty much a stupid little whiny baby that can't handle anything that doesn't fit your worldview

also ur not jewish so don't try to say the holocaust comment really offends you because lets be real
about 7 years
and i can agree that my comment of "stupid" was kinda dumb, although not hurtful. the points i made in relation to the evidence being 12 months old isn't irrelevant, and wasn't with the sole intention of undermining your report, just providing information that some people may not have noticed, namely that the reports in question were very old by epicmafia standards.
about 7 years
sandbox isn't going to be moderated the same as my discord in the slightest.