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i am starting a petition

about 7 years

in main lobby everyone thinks sandbox players are low level at mafia. but i have seen some good players in sandbox who are better than players in main lobby. sandbox people are ready to try ranked level games.

add ranked mode in sandbox
10 signed
add ranked mode to sandbox
about 7 years

Sishen says

here's a suggestion for ya:
if you want to play ranked, go to main

very simple!

deletedabout 7 years
unironically supported
about 7 years

Bebop says

Jimbei says

Unrelated but what roles are currently blacklisted from main lobby?

• Invisible Man
• Chef
• Cyborg
• Creepy Girl
• Admirer
• Old Maid
• Blinder
• Hitman
• Terrorist

admirer and blinder exist for main lobby wtf

also invisible man is a perfectly valid ranked role
about 7 years

Jimbei says

Unrelated but what roles are currently blacklisted from main lobby?

• Invisible Man
• Chef
• Cyborg
• Creepy Girl
• Admirer
• Old Maid
• Blinder
• Hitman
• Terrorist
about 7 years
about 7 years
People in main are so bad it made me not want to ever try seriously again. Don't turn sandbox into that.
about 7 years

Bebop says

Sishen says

here's a suggestion for ya:
if you want to play ranked, go to main

very simple!

he's banned from main lol

banned users thinking they get opinions
deletedabout 7 years
Unrelated but what roles are currently blacklisted from main lobby?
about 7 years

Sishen says

here's a suggestion for ya:
if you want to play ranked, go to main

very simple!

he's banned from main lol
about 7 years
here's a suggestion for ya:
if you want to play ranked, go to main

very simple!
about 7 years
1. no
2. you can't play closed setups ranked so nobody in sandbox would play it even if they could
about 7 years
No. As someone who has and always will support the true essence of what a sandbox is, this can't be allowed to happen. Sandbox is already bad enough off as it is now with some of us trying, always, to keep what's left of it in a direction that is better for it. Like the user above me, who also, correctly disagrees with this.

P.S. You're in the toilet, and so is this petition.

but if you wanna know what's the s#!t... then be here April 16th-April 22nd. Plissken's 200th. The true essence is better than turning it into something it's not. You start small it will grow.
about 7 years
every month someone brings up this stupid suggestion i swear to god