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Ranked and Sandbox

over 7 years

It seems that every month some user comes up with the very original idea of adding Ranked Games to sandbox. I'm writing this thread now so that when it inevitably happens again, one can just refer them here.

There are multiple lobbies on this site and they each tend to serve a different purpose. Main and Sandbox (and Games/Vivor but they are irrelevant to this conversation) are what one might consider the core lobbies of the site and they encompass the different ways to play games on EM. What it boils down to is this: Main is for serious play and Sandbox is for casual play. If you want to play seriously, Main exists. Yes this even applies to play serious unranked games in main. If you want to play casually, then go to Sandbox. Also once the novelty of Sandbox ranked points is over the games just won't fill.

Sandbox is a place free of game-related reports. Many times people come play sandbox because the scrutiny of main lobby becomes overbearing and they want to play a game without worrying about getting reported. If ranked were to enter sandbox, a paradox would occur. Either all ranked games would be valid for game violations (even ranked sandbox games), or Sandbox would remain game violation free. Ranked games instill a sense of competition and people do not like to lose points if they did so unfairly, which is why they report people who they think made them lose the game (God forbid they blame themselves but that's a different topic). So if ranked were to enter sandbox, people will want to report other people when they lose. If there are no vios, people end up frustrated. If people are playing in sandbox and end up getting reported and vio'd, they get frustrated. Basically, this ends up being a huge mess of rules.

I will now address some of the other reasons people bring up when trying to push sandbox ranked:

  • Sandbox users deserve trophies too.
  • Sandbox users are just as good as main players.
  • I want a trophy without the effort.

If Sandbox users really wanted to play competitively, main is a click away. They are here because they do not.

  • I need points to comment on forums, karma people, etc.

Sandbox is not a pointfarm lobby. Those exist elsewhere, use them.

  • I wanted to see what closed roles ranked is like.
  • I want to play my wacky setup in ranked but main won't let me.

Sandbox users already only play one setup, what makes you think they'll play a bad competitive setup. Also closed roles doesn't work in ranked mode.

Here's your free sandbox trophy, just click the one you want.
over 7 years

cub says

op says

I want a trophy without the effort.

thats an argument for ranked main games

Very funny
over 7 years
don't worry the next time a lobby owner wants to feel special they'll make ranked games just long enough to numberfarm just join when it happens
over 7 years

op says

I want a trophy without the effort.

thats an argument for ranked main games
over 7 years

sl0nderman says

Also closed roles doesn't work in ranked mode.

sl0nderman says

Also closed roles doesn't work in ranked mode.

sl0nderman says

Also closed roles doesn't work in ranked mode.

over 7 years
Golbolco saved sandbox with ranked and you know it as much as I
deletedover 7 years
okay but when are we going to see ranked games in sandbox
over 7 years