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my bathroom is dark

deletedover 7 years

theres 4 lights above the vanity mirror in one of my bathrooms and 3 of them are out. its really dark in there now and its been that way for about a week. im at wits end trying to manage my life around this. its become increasingly difficult to shower in the dark and im too scared to use the restroom because i feel vulnerable.

deletedalmost 7 years
got some new lightbulbs =)
deletedover 7 years
my friend sweetnkind was nice enough to call the store to confirm that their floor layout hadnt changed so id know exactly where the bulbs are, so i drove over there today but i couldnt bring myself to leave my car....

so close.....yes so far.....
over 7 years
Have countries taking a shop vac in there and sucking up all the ghosts yet? Everyone knows that ghosts like Sark rooms, and when you get the lights to come back on, there might be a treasure chest on the ground waiting for you.
over 7 years
pay ur taxes m8 maybe then it will lighten up
over 7 years
your role play was perfect i think u are going to do great
over 7 years
solution: Hook up with the sales clerc and fuk her/him in the store. then going to the store won't be so daunting.
over 7 years
I'm praying for you.
deletedover 7 years
if you stop posting updates, I'll assume you died by whatever is hiding in the darkness of the bathroom. I'll also make a shrine to you and pray everyday.

Hope you stay safe, here 4 u
deletedover 7 years
I've started waking up earlier and leaving both doors to my bathroom (which are connected to rooms with windows) open to get some natural light inside. It has made my bathroom experience tolerable but I'm worried about what I'll have to do if I need to use the restroom or shower later on in the evening when it's dark out.
over 7 years
Of all the people in the EMBB4 house, bonk was the last one I would have guessed dealt with extreme levels of social anxiety like this. Like, I might potentially have Asperger's and I don't feel this awkward in public...

But for reals tho, just think of an idea, then use the light bulb that appears to brighten up your bathroom. While you're at it, you might ask if Home Depot has a public restroom because it's probably not healthy to holding your fecal matter in for such a long time...
over 7 years
It's the government's fault
over 7 years
I think you should change your lightbulbs.
over 7 years
That's a lot of breathing.
deletedover 7 years
im having ap anic attackign jsut thinking about this right now
deletedover 7 years
deletedover 7 years
is that good?
deletedover 7 years
everything is okay. im just here for light bulbs. i know where they are. i can find them myself. everything is fine.
over 7 years
ok bonk let's role play i'll be the home depot employee

Hi, can I help you find anything?
over 7 years
Guys this is legit! Im hiding in his shower and im laughing as I watch him struggle smh. All that is left isis for him to put his guard down. That is when I will strike! >:)
deletedover 7 years
why would u come in here and make fun of me like that. this is a real dilemma in my life and im having serious anxiety over it. im losing sleep and i cant keep my mind off of the thought of having to sh'it in my backyard because im too afraid to defecate in my own home because itll be too dark.

i posted a picture as proof and ill post more if u require more proof. ur harassing me.
over 7 years
You need to eat some of your mom's spaghetti.
deletedover 7 years
just thinking about it is stressing me out again

what if they redecorated their interior since arcbell made that floorplan map for me and everything is different?

im honestly freaking out right now. my palms are sweaty and i cant swallow. help.
deletedover 7 years
im gonna make a dry run tomorrow and sit in the parking lot for a bit and try to scope out what i can see through the windows
deletedover 7 years
Buy a new house
over 7 years
I thought about it some more. Probably you're gonna wanna buy a firearm so you can repaint your bathroom walls red. Going outside is way too scary.