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Noavi Charity Fund

over 7 years

People give noavis a real hard time. They get killed immediately or just outright kicked from games. But the real problem is that no one helps them. A homeless man is going to have a hard time getting a job if he has no presentable clothing or no training. Therefore I present to you a charity for noavis.

Every so often I will post a few avis from my own collection for the less fortunate to use. I encourage all other non-noavis to do the same.

To start, I will donate a few avis myself:

  • The Cube

Cubes are nice geometrical shapes. This avi features a blue cube. Is is simple and not very flashy for those who do not want to stand out.

  • Smiling Sun

This is a very happy avi. You can use it to show that you are a lighthearted person.

  • The Letter N

This avi is great if your name starts with N, like Nicholas.

  • Rabbit

This adorable bunny rabbit would make a great avi for those who appreciate cute animals.

Sign here
14 signed
To pledge a yearly donation of 1 avi to the charity. You will receive a photo of an avi your image helped.