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Anger Management

about 8 years

It is no secret that certain users get angry for no reason in this lobby, and it's truly sad to see.

Typically when these people reach their breaking point (which isn't very hard to get to), they will say something or do something that will cause them to be punished or preemptively request a time-out so that they won't get banned against their own will.

This is sad.

I believe in rehabilitation rather than punishment and this is why I am considering hosting an anger management course for certain users who have been very heated as of late.

We would accept many types of angered users such as those who take out their anger on other individuals verbally, through abusive actions such as making up rules as they go along like certain lobby moderators, and more.

I believe this to be a very great and helpful idea to many users in this lobby. Would you agree?

I support this course
10 signed
I am signing to show my support of the great JamalMarley hosting an anger management course.
Which users should apply to be in the anger management class?
about 8 years
babe, do you think I need to do anger management classes?
about 8 years
about 8 years
baabaa punched me after i said she was ok
about 8 years
baabaa killed my dog after i said hi to her
deletedabout 8 years
manage my sjw anger