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Holocaust Denial and Free Speech

about 8 years

Greetings Epicmafia community,

I've been wanting to make this thread for a while but haven't until now because I believed it to be a tad too risque.

Many countries have laws prohibiting the denial of the Holocaust (the genocide of Jews, Poles and other Slavic peoples, Soviet POWs, Romanis, communists, homosexuals, Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses and the mentally and physically disabled by Germany). Many countries have even broader laws which ban genocide denial in general.

In Germany for example, 'Volksverhetzung' is a concept in German criminal law that bans Holocaust denial. In addition, 'Strafgesetzbuch' outlaws various symbols of "unconstitutional organisations" such as the Swastika and the SS runes. Offenders who break these laws shall be liable to imprisonment from anywhere between three months and five years.

I'm not here to take either side in the debate, I would simply like to hear Sandbox's opinions on the matter.

Is this an ethical thing to do? Should people be able to be persecuted by law for simply holding beliefs?

Denying the Holocaust...
Hate Speech
Free Speech
about 8 years
Screw the Holocaust, I don't even believe Jews are real
deletedabout 8 years
I Am The 11.1%.
deletedabout 8 years

sweetnkind says

CoryInConstantinople says

I read this and now im convinced I'm not even kidding.

i love you, you are perfect, never change.
about 8 years
Yeah Hi. That sounded super rediculous didn't it? Yeah same thing when I hear this concept that ppl actually deny the holocaust happened! Lol how do you fabiricate the camps, the gas champers, the corpses, the many many survivor stories? the numbers? wtf were they for? Lol I can't even begin to wrap my head around someone able to even consider denying it happened unless they don't beelieve in sceince or are in a psycho ward questioning their own exsistance.
about 8 years
Hey guys I deny the occurance of the black opression. it didnt exsist! The blacks made it up to play the victim! We shouldn't really care about what happened back then! Its all fake! Never happened!!

Wait...wadumean there is proof, stories, pictures,corpses and obvious evidence it had occured? I bet all those were fabricated! And all those thousands of blacks who say their pparents were opressed are lieing! its all false! Black and white segrigation? boy i need to be there to see it with my own eyes to even consider beleieveing in that bs!!!

im racist? wtf you on about? Its my belif! I have a right to think that don't i!!
about 8 years
ok i got jebaited
about 8 years
hate speech is not a thing people

what the f
about 8 years
you should be allowed to believe whatever
and with freedom of speech you should be able to defend your belief that the holocaust never existed, despite how impossible it is
deletedabout 8 years

CoryInConstantinople says

I read this and now im convinced I'm not even kidding.
deletedabout 8 years
deletedabout 8 years

Forrest says

no, they shouldn't be punished by the law, but it should be legal to refuse service, fired from work, ostracized from society, etc. for holding bigoted views

so basically yes, but in a more roundabout and impactful way

so you think businesses should have the right to deny service to anyone for anything?
me too!
deletedabout 8 years
no, they shouldn't be punished by the law, but it should be legal to refuse service, fired from work, ostracized from society, etc. for holding bigoted views

so basically yes, but in a more roundabout and impactful way
deletedabout 8 years
well, i have a question for all of those who say it is hate speech

a majority of jews claim that 100,000 jews were burned (after death) in order for the nazis to cover up their genocide of jewish peoples when Germany was being invaded
so for this to be an accurate statement, in the midst of invasion, nazis had to dig up 100,000 bodies, burn then, and then fill the hole of the mass grave that was dug

does anyone see any possible discrepancies here?
about 8 years
i never said you did say i was that, i simply claimed that i'm not one
about 8 years

Bebop says

Furry says

when a mod calls holocaust denial "simply holding beliefs" and not "denying atrocities that happened due to ones own bias and irrational hatred towards the persecuted group" xd

i'm not a holocaust denier if that's what you're worried about, but "holding beliefs" and "denying atrocities that happened due to ones own bias and irrational hatred towards the persecuted group" are the same

i didnt call u a holocaust denier but k...
i guess false equivalences dont exist........
about 8 years

Furry says

when a mod calls holocaust denial "simply holding beliefs" and not "denying atrocities that happened due to ones own bias and irrational hatred towards the persecuted group" xd

i'm not a holocaust denier if that's what you're worried about, but "holding beliefs" and "denying atrocities that happened due to ones own bias and irrational hatred towards the persecuted group" are the same
about 8 years
when a mod calls holocaust denial "simply holding beliefs" and not "denying atrocities that happened due to ones own bias and irrational hatred towards the persecuted group" xd
deletedabout 8 years