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Thinking Of Hosting Again

over 7 years

After my last time hosting, it was kinda of a flunk. But, I've regained my confidence, and I was thinking of trying again! I'm still currently deciding a few things:

1: Should I host BB or vivor? 2: What date and time? 3: Should I have a cohost?

I'm still deciding, so your opinions would be appreciated! Thanks,


over 7 years
Make sure you start with like 8-10 players or fewer. My first game I hosted was 7 players. I also asked the players to be patient with me since I was brand new.

I also hosted literally the 2nd day i joined the vivor lobby only playing 2 vivor games total.

Dont host complicated games, host very vanilla with 0 twists and very simple challenges like gaw, reflex, chutes, etc. until you feel more comfortable.

I believe that every 2 games you host, you can increase the player size by 2. So don't go from 8 players and jump right into 15. Also good luck hosting!
over 7 years
1. For a starting host, survivor (without tribes) is actually easier to host than BB, you only need to host one challenge each day compared to two challenges (HoH and PoV) as a standard in vanilla BB and you also need to plan to balance the challenges for BB.

2. 8 am est and 7/8 pm est are common hosting times in this lobby. Survivor is more popular for morning lobby, BB is more hosted for night lobby. During breaks, you'll also see 1/2 pm est games.

Pick a time that you feel that you're free enough to host one!

3. A co-host isn't necessary but it's indeed a lot more fun planning a game together with someone. Plus you learn a lot from how they host and what games they hosted so you can implement them in your future games.

Like Rob said, make sure to play more games so you can learn how hosts operate, it helps to know how they react to situations against players and how they executed the challenges and twists.
over 7 years
The #1 advice I have for new players is to continue playing in games before hosting. One problem with this lobby is that your reputation as a host is very static; once it's created, it rarely changes.

If you host a couple of games that flop early, people are much less likely to join future games because all they remember is that first experience. It becomes really difficult to rectify that perception because future games will have less people who join and much less veterans which attract players to games.

I would recommend continuing to play in games and figuring out what you like/don't like in hosts. Also, pay attention to when disputes happen between hosts and players and try to figure out what you would do if you were a host and see what more experienced hosts do in those scenarios. This is one of the biggest challenges as a host, finding solutions that are fair and correct. You can't come off as amenable to players' demands, but you also can't power trip as a host.

Finally, I would absolutely recommend reaching out to the more experienced hosts and players in this lobby and asking to cohost with them which should help you get your foot in the door for future games which you can host by yourself. Also, I would stay away from any large twists for your first few games because new hosts tend to have perhaps too ambitious plans for their first hosted games.

Don't beat yourself up for any past games you hosted; it's only when you start making a trend of continuously hosting games that flop that it becomes a problem. However, I have a good feeling that you'll be fine.

Host what you are more comfortable with hosting; for me, I think Survivor is much easier than BB to host. These are just my two cents :)
deletedover 7 years
1: Depends on whatever's more convenient/easier to host for you. For a starting player, I would recommend Big Brother because you don't need to deal with idols/tribes.

2. Saturdays on 8AM or PM EST is usually the standard time to host, though whatever's more convenient for you is fine.

3. For new players, I would ABSOLUTELY recommend a Co-Host. They help you to also become better at hosting as a whole.