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Valentine's Day

over 7 years

Post below and tell us about your plans on Valentine's Day, whether with friends, family, significant other or yourself! (except no sexy times please, I don't want to hear about your sinning)

If you are trekking it in the single life this v-day just remember that all love is valid love. It can feel incredibly alienating to have a day reminding you of your romantic life if you don't have anything going on, but that doesn't make you any less of a person. It's still a day of love for you as it is for anyone else. Anyway, post away! xoxo

So do you have a significant other this v-day?
kind of
deletedover 7 years
i plan to eat an outrageous amount of sweets while crying alone in my room, how fun is that
over 7 years

sigh says

i dont like anyone and i feel empty because i probably never will

It's okay. Love is disgusting and most of the time you end up miserable and alone anyway.
deletedover 7 years
I'm gonna hang out inside and chill with my mates on EpicMafia!

Also play games :P
deletedover 7 years
i dont like anyone and i feel empty because i probably never will
over 7 years

Killia says

There's a girl I like, but I don't think she has any interest in me @_@

I'm not sure if this helps, but I avoid any feelings I have toward anyone whom I believe have no interest toward me. I currently have a crush for the first time in two years because we're starting to bond as familiar friends.
over 7 years
every day is valentines day for me
over 7 years
I'll be at work.

Happy singles awareness day.
over 7 years
There's a girl I like, but I don't think she has any interest in me @_@
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
this is my first valentine's day single in like 4 years and it is also my 2 beautiful cats birthday so they are my valentines and i am going to sit at home and make them hang out with me
over 7 years
these are all so cute i hope u guys have a lovely v-day u deserve it
deletedover 7 years
i have a physics exam on valentine's,, but we might do something after. im sad i cant send him flowers
over 7 years
ill be sipping sparkling water on my pink satin bedsheets as i laugh benevolently at everyone's romantic shenangins and relish my own peace and quiet
deletedover 7 years

snakegladiator says

Reamix says

snakegladiator says

If I just entered a relationship like the other day, am i still expected to do much this valentine's?

I guess it always depends on the person, but honestly just any sort of nice quality time should always be enough. Buy dinner or something. But you're definitely not obligated to buy a present or something ridiculous like that.

Sorry Bane, I think I am going to take this advice. Thanks Reamix :^)

deletedover 7 years
over 7 years

Jimbei says

I'll be sending out complimentary nudes to all my best friends who are going to be alone like I

Everyone will be forever alone together!

How is this going to go down? Email? PM? Skype? Live video chat?
deletedover 7 years
I'll be sending out complimentary nudes to all my best friends who are going to be alone like I

Everyone will be forever alone together!
over 7 years
I'll probably hand out ❤ shaped stickers to people...
over 7 years
Pretty sure my crush is gay and has a gf. It can be a one-sided relationship; I don't mind.
over 7 years
i was planning to spend all day playing persona 5 but then it got delayed :(

ill probably play games and eat ice cream or something
over 7 years

Reamix says

snakegladiator says

If I just entered a relationship like the other day, am i still expected to do much this valentine's?

I guess it always depends on the person, but honestly just any sort of nice quality time should always be enough. Buy dinner or something. But you're definitely not obligated to buy a present or something ridiculous like that.

Sorry Bane, I think I am going to take this advice. Thanks Reamix :^)
over 7 years
Zach doesn't believe in Valentine's Day so we're not doing anything

But my birthday is three days after so he is coming over that week anyway
over 7 years

Victini says

I'm literally buying a bunch a bouquets of roses and running around campus, handing them to random people...

That's so cute omg!! I wish I had people like you in my life.
over 7 years
I'm literally buying a bunch a bouquets of roses and running around campus, handing them to random people...
over 7 years

snakegladiator says

If I just entered a relationship like the other day, am i still expected to do much this valentine's?

I guess it always depends on the person, but honestly just any sort of nice quality time should always be enough. Buy dinner or something. But you're definitely not obligated to buy a present or something ridiculous like that.