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Valentine's Day

over 7 years

Post below and tell us about your plans on Valentine's Day, whether with friends, family, significant other or yourself! (except no sexy times please, I don't want to hear about your sinning)

If you are trekking it in the single life this v-day just remember that all love is valid love. It can feel incredibly alienating to have a day reminding you of your romantic life if you don't have anything going on, but that doesn't make you any less of a person. It's still a day of love for you as it is for anyone else. Anyway, post away! xoxo

So do you have a significant other this v-day?
kind of
over 7 years

Saika says

well spend my day with my boyfriend doing nothing beside watching tv.... kek
but its fine just him being there for me is nice :)

Honestly I think that's the best way tbh. I love just sitting next to my guy, snuggling up with him and just watching stuff on netflix. It's my fave thing to do for sure.
over 7 years

tigermom says

This Valentine's day (and the day before, and the day after, basically 13-15) so many cute people and was a little (but not really) unsettled by being single.

Aww tigermom, I'm sorry. There are advantages to being single though :} Did you do something nice for yourself at least?
over 7 years
This Valentine's day (and the day before, and the day after, basically 13-15) I saw so many cute people and was a little (but not really) unsettled by being single.
deletedover 7 years
well spend my day with my boyfriend doing nothing beside watching tv.... kek
but its fine just him being there for me is nice :)
over 7 years
Sounds awesome. I like visiting museums that have Egyptian mummies etc too. The Louvre is amazing because you literally walk through anchient Egypt, ancient Rome etc. They take whole rooms or buildings and put them in the museum. The Egyptian one was amazing. It reminded me of Stargate cos there was this tomb room and it had two huge statues either side of it. And there were so many things that were painted in gold so it was out of this world lol. I recommend checking it out if you get to Paris one day.
over 7 years
Oh wow Louvre is goals. Yeah I don't go to musuems much but in the past year I've been to a ton around Boston and I realized how much i love them. I'm hoping this summer to go to NYC and visit the moma and The Met among a ton of others. Also I think Mona Lisa is pretty subpar anyway, not my favorite style of painting. I need to see starry night irl because van gogh is my favorite, claude monet is another one of my favorites and there's an entire room of some of his stuff in the museum of fine arts. Every time I go in there I basically swoon.
over 7 years
oh nice. I like museums. I went to the Louvre a few years ago. Some of the paintings there are just mind blowing. Though ol' Mona Lisa is disappointing tbh.
over 7 years
Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. It's a great museum tbh
over 7 years
Aww that sounds lovely. I hung out with my Mum during the day. It's lush spending time with family. What museum did you go to?
over 7 years

MischiefX says

Aww ty Reamix =} It was a great end. I really thought I was going to have to say goodbye to my Yorkie. But thankfully it seems we have her for a bit longer <3

How are you doing? Did you have a good V.D? x

It was okay, it was my sister's birthday so i just hung out with her the entire day and got to go to the museum. :-)
over 7 years
Oh at that was supposed to be Valentines Day NOT Venereal Disease lmao. I don't think you can get a good one of those o.O
over 7 years
Aww ty Reamix =} It was a great end. I really thought I was going to have to say goodbye to my Yorkie. But thankfully it seems we have her for a bit longer <3

How are you doing? Did you have a good V.D? x
over 7 years

MischiefX says

Hey, I don't come on here very often but I'm working ALL night and I got bored so I thought I'd pop in and see if I remembered the rules of the game...turns out I don't lmao but saw there was a forum.

This valentines day was stressful AF. My dog who is sixteen was sick and she really frightened us so I had a sleepless night the night before with her but my wonderful guy surprised me with flowers, chocolates, a cute cushion and a card. It really made me smile. I felt so bad cos I hadn't got him anything so I went to the supermarket and got twelve cupcakes and some starwars VR thing {he's a geek <3 lol} to make it up to him.

So what started out as scary valentines ended in a really good one. My pooch is much better now :D

I'm so happy things turned around for you! That sounds like a good end to it. Welcome back! :-)
over 7 years
Hey, I don't come on here very often but I'm working ALL night and I got bored so I thought I'd pop in and see if I remembered the rules of the game...turns out I don't lmao but saw there was a forum.

This valentines day was stressful AF. My dog who is sixteen was sick and she really frightened us so I had a sleepless night the night before with her but my wonderful guy surprised me with flowers, chocolates, a cute cushion and a card. It really made me smile. I felt so bad cos I hadn't got him anything so I went to the supermarket and got twelve cupcakes and some starwars VR thing {he's a geek <3 lol} to make it up to him.

So what started out as scary valentines ended in a really good one. My pooch is much better now :D
over 7 years
Currently watching family feud and eating a box of chocolates. I love being in a relationship with myself.
deletedover 7 years

sammy says

im gonna be crying in bed

ive finally stopped
over 7 years
i plan on crying

a lot
over 7 years

Reamix says

I hope everyone's had an okay day! Tbh my favorite part about valentine's day is seeing pink everywhere. Pink is the superior color.


except that pink and purple are both superior colours tbh
over 7 years
I hope everyone's had an okay day! Tbh my favorite part about valentine's day is seeing pink everywhere. Pink is the superior color.
over 7 years
over 7 years
newly single pringle so it'll be a sad day but at least I'm in classes all day from 10am to 9pm soo
over 7 years

celestial says

i plan to eat an outrageous amount of sweets while crying alone in my room, how fun is that

thank god i have a sister or i'd be doing this too tbh
over 7 years
over 7 years
my bf has work that day so basically i will spend the day crying
over 7 years

celestial says

i plan to eat an outrageous amount of sweets while crying alone in my room, how fun is that

Hey bence I'll take you out to dinner and a movie

And you get a box of chocolates too