over 7 years

how to add the ability to release yourself from yourself? if possible

over 7 years
lol cub
over 7 years
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
@TheMiningAlex be free
over 7 years
@TheMiningAlex obey me
over 7 years
you're a terrible slave. so unloyal.
over 7 years
Pm'ed you the code. Enjoy!
deletedover 7 years
you have to code it and add it to the script
over 7 years
yes and when you ga back into slave you still are owned
over 7 years
Can't you use /slave again and find Jesus? or have you already tried that
over 7 years
its usually done with @NAME be free but you have to add it in
over 7 years
no i mean how do you add the ability for people to free you cause it isnt there by default
deletedover 7 years
just refresh