Neither, Republicans are controlled by Trotskyite communists (Google "Neocons and Trotskyism") while Democrats are just obvious Marxists who make no effort of disguising this.
the communist symbol is the hammer and sickle but how many first world communists today would like to do manual labor involving a hammer or sickle
Mids says what if im in the 3rd party then enjoy losing every election lol
deleted about 8 years
what if im in the 3rd party
deleted about 8 years
Herredy says Shwartz99 says Jimbei says sl0nderman says skunkpaste says The joke -------------- your head -------------- Your mom's head lol My expectations for a good reply --------- That reply --------- Aight let's do this boys -------------- benis deleted about 8 years
Shwartz99 says Jimbei says sl0nderman says skunkpaste says The joke -------------- your head -------------- Your mom's head lol My expectations for a good reply --------- That reply --------- Aight let's do this boys --------------
it's hard to like either of these parties when they're both drowning in their own urine :( and yet the third parties somehow manage to be even worse i need a hug
Jimbei says sl0nderman says skunkpaste says The joke -------------- your head -------------- Your mom's head lol My expectations for a good reply --------- That reply ---------
Aight let's do this boys
ObitoSigma says Haha why is Democrat red and Republican blue? Pro. this is actually an interesting comment deleted about 8 years
sl0nderman says skunkpaste says The joke -------------- your head -------------- Your mom's head lol My expectations for a good reply
That reply
skunkpaste says The joke -------------- your head --------------
Your mom's head lol
ObitoSigma says Haha why is Democrat red and Republican blue? Pro. Only since the 2000 election were the colors blue for Democrats and red for Republicans. Before that, people really didn't care, but in many cases the color blue represented the Republican Party and red the Democratic Party for various reasons.
Read more at: deleted about 8 years
im more of a traditionalist monarchist myself
Merlot says The one where we sacrifice all presidents and potential candidates to the worms and live in a peaceful anarcho-communist society i think you mean anarcho-capitalist
The joke -------------- your head
Haha why is Democrat red and Republican blue? Pro.
The one where we sacrifice all presidents and potential candidates to the worms and live in a peaceful anarcho-communist society