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EMBB4 Trophy Game

about 8 years

EMBB4 - Week 13


Fantasy Draft:


Announcement Doc:

Results Doc:

Final 2

Nattless' Speech:

Zeezo's Speech:

FireDragonPrince's Jury Speech:

Bonk's Jury Speech:

Jellofish's Jury Speech:

Bgeas15's Jury Speech:

UltraAug's Jury Speech:

Ally's Jury Speech:

Memory Wall:

about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
Go zeezo :)
about 8 years
Congrats z :)
deletedabout 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
[6:57:23 PM] Zeezo: NO
[6:57:25 PM] Zeezo: WHY
[6:57:26 PM] Zeezo: NAT
[6:57:27 PM] Nat: WHAT
[6:57:32 PM] Jessy: That means you both will compete in another code game.
[6:57:37 PM] Jessy: This time there will only be 4 digits.
[6:57:57 PM] Zeezo: holy hecko
[6:58:10 PM] Jessy: Message your diary room when you're ready to compete!
[6:58:22 PM] Zeezo: ;(
[6:58:57 PM] Zeezo: ok
about 8 years
[6:56:00 PM] Jessy: In 4th place...
[6:56:05 PM] Zeezo: D:
[6:56:11 PM] Jessy: With 11 rounds
[6:56:17 PM] Jessy: Ally!
[6:56:24 PM] Zeezo: i lost
[6:56:27 PM] Zeezo: 11 is 4th?
[6:56:27 PM] Jessy: In 3rd place...
[6:56:28 PM] Zeezo: ghfdjsk
[6:56:31 PM] Nat: pretty sure i lost
[6:56:32 PM] Zeezo: me
[6:56:33 PM] Zeezo: ;-;
[6:56:39 PM] Jessy: With 10 rounds
[6:56:44 PM] Jessy: UltraAug!
[6:56:50 PM] Zeezo: AAAAA
[6:56:54 PM] Zeezo: nat
[6:56:57 PM] Zeezo: pls
[6:56:58 PM] Zeezo: ;(
[6:56:59 PM] Jessy: In 2nd place...
[6:57:04 PM] Jessy: With 9 rounds
[6:57:06 PM] Zeezo: YASSSS
[6:57:10 PM] Nat: omg
[6:57:13 PM] Jessy: Nobody!
[6:57:15 PM] Zeezo: oh
[6:57:16 PM] Jessy: You both tied with 8 rounds.
[6:57:18 PM] Nat: LMAO
[6:57:22 PM] Zeezo: NAT
deletedabout 8 years
I feel safer with my draft pick not getting bded
about 8 years
what shouldve happened in embb3
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
about 8 years

AIec says

ciere pulling thru

not quite
about 8 years
just when you thought ciere was safe because he was hoh and he pulls this sht
about 8 years
[11:04:10 PM] Jessy: It's time for the HOH Competition!
[11:04:31 PM] Nat: oh okay
[11:04:40 PM] Zeezo: im listening to the chicken and chips song!!!
[11:04:58 PM] Jessy: In this competition, you will be given a 6 number code. You will have an opportunity each round to guess what number it is. After you guess what the number is, you will be told colors.
[11:05:07 PM] Jessy: Red - Number is not in the code
Orange - Number is in the code, but is in the wrong position
Green - Number is in the correct position in code
[11:05:18 PM] Jessy: You will use these colors to figure out the code. For example:
[11:05:26 PM] Jessy: If I was playing this competition and the number was 138490 and I guessed 776667 the first round, I would be told "6 red". That would lead to me concluding that the numbers 7 and 6 are not in the code.
[11:05:35 PM] Jessy: If I guessed 888889 in the second round, I would be told "4 red 1 orange 1 green". Since the third 8 is in the correct position and there is a 9 in the code but my guess has it in the wrong position, that would lead to 1 orange, 1 green and 4 red.
[11:05:55 PM] Jessy: The player who correctly guesses the code in the least amount of guesses will win Head of Household.
[11:06:02 PM] Jessy: If you have any more questions on how to play this competition, please ask your Diary Room. When you're ready to compete, please ask a host to compete in your Diary Room. You have until 11:00 PM EST tomorrow to compete.
about 8 years
Looks like the cat's out of the bag
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
c'iere... u know i have mad love for u... but that was a flop
deletedabout 8 years
of course. of course this happened
about 8 years
OMG??????????????????? LOL??????????????????????????????????????
about 8 years
[10:15:19 PM] Jessy: It's time for the Power of Veto Ceremony!
[10:15:28 PM] utrlaostenaug: no
[10:15:31 PM] Jessy: That's what I would say if there was one.
[10:16:01 PM] Jessy: Ciere, you did not submit your replacement nominee.
[10:16:10 PM] Zeezo: wtf
[10:16:12 PM] Jessy: therefore you have received your 3rd strike
[10:16:17 PM] Nat: OMG
[10:16:17 PM] Nat: NO
[10:16:18 PM] utrlaostenaug: ohkay
[10:16:20 PM] Nat: WHAT
[10:16:20 PM] Nat: WHAT
[10:16:20 PM] Nat: WHAT
[10:16:21 PM] utrlaostenaug: wow
[10:16:22 PM] Zeezo: WTF
[10:16:25 PM] utrlaostenaug: could we not
[10:16:26 PM] Nat: I'M SCREAMING
[10:16:42 PM] Zeezo: what happens now
[10:16:44 PM] utrlaostenaug: wait does this mean i'm safe
[10:16:45 PM] Zeezo: pov isnt used?
[10:16:51 PM] Zeezo: but
[10:16:57 PM] Zeezo: she used pov on me!!
[10:16:58 PM] Nat: does that mean
[10:16:58 PM] Zeezo: AAAA
[10:17:01 PM] Nat: no eviction
[10:17:07 PM] Nat: or am i auto out
[10:17:11 PM] Nat: as the only nom
[10:17:12 PM] Jessy: congratulations Ally, Nattless, UltraAug and Zeezo you are the final 4
[10:17:17 PM] Nat: holy
[10:17:58 PM] *** Jessy removed Ci'ere from this conversation. ***
about 8 years
for the record i gave natt all 10's wyd
about 8 years
wait pod you're deaf??
about 8 years
I dont meant to be mad or anything, judt found this hilarious
about 8 years
Can this be us after I apologize