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fnoof in my soup

over 7 years

Let's discuss all of error's vendettas

deletedover 7 years
i am a friend of bens
deletedover 7 years
It's Just Java Mafia
over 7 years
sometimes you gotta take a few steps back and realize how small EM is

from experience i tell you, this is one of those times
over 7 years
ive got friends in high places
deletedover 7 years

Ben says

dahoaf says

question: how did you become such a successful whiner despite being unable to spell elementary school vocabulary words incorrectly? you are truly blessed

watch out hoaf, im a very dangerous man at the minute

over 7 years

dahoaf says

question: how did you become such a successful whiner despite being unable to spell elementary school vocabulary words incorrectly? you are truly blessed

watch out hoaf, im a very dangerous man at the minute
deletedover 7 years
The cult of criticism strikes again.
deletedover 7 years

Ben says

error cant help it, hes a vegeterian

id be upset too

question: how did you become such a successful whiner despite being unable to spell elementary school vocabulary words incorrectly? you are truly blessed
over 7 years

Kenny says

now im over it.

the username brownpimp007 would fit you so much..
over 7 years
the only thing im sad about is that my name wasnt added to the poll
over 7 years
now im over it.

over 7 years
im disappointed and sad
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
error cant help it, hes a vegeterian

id be upset too
deletedover 7 years

i still have this on my computer. enjoy
over 7 years

AlvertaBlock7 says

hey guys, alverta here

error is such a nice guy, he changed 3 of my alts for me! wow!

That's nice of him. Very thoughtful.

I remember before he was mod and Hima was on the team, he got a few of my linked alts from her and was threatening to out them.
over 7 years

Jimbei says

I bet error did this meme here

over 7 years
I will not defend error but i will not criminalize him either as that's lucid's job
deletedover 7 years
I bet error did this meme here
deletedover 7 years
i will defend error until i die
over 7 years
Wowee that's a lot of stuff he did. Good thing he didn't mess with em user zahhaks or he'd be deadmined already!
over 7 years
hey guys, alverta here

error is such a nice guy, he changed 3 of my alts for me! wow!

over 7 years

dahlia says

I'm confused why did error change people's names.

he insulted ben a bunch in reamix's stream and when ben posted it in em users say the darndest things error deleted it and threatened to report ben for harassment and then golbolco made a thread about it (which nobody took seriously) and then the night of fuckening culminated in error doing All That Stuff
over 7 years
Tag urself im the name changing error