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almost 8 years

Let's use this space to wish a warm farewell to one of, in my opinion, Sandbox's best and brightest - Ohdearmycatisgone. We're always here for you if and when you decide to come back, but if not, good luck in whatever you're doing going forward. Get good grades in school and live life to the fullest!


almost 8 years
oh dear, my cat is gone
deletedalmost 8 years
but dude, did you find your cat?
almost 8 years
I miss you
almost 8 years
Best of luck my friend!!
almost 8 years
:< ill miss you <3 <# <3 <# #<3<3, # <#
deletedalmost 8 years
ohdear ily and stay awesome! <3 I'll miss you ;-;
almost 8 years
I hope your cat comes back
deletedalmost 8 years
i luv you ohdear. hope things go well for you out there in the real world. :)
almost 8 years
Thank you for being so warm to everyone. Also i would like to personally thank you for giving me great advice when i've needed it. Im sad to see you go but i hope that this break is what you need to stay focused jn the real world.
Much love to you my dear ❤️❤️❤️
deletedalmost 8 years
Thanks for being cool as sh*t, cat. Today Battle Snakes lost a great player.
almost 8 years
i thought that said "EAT HEAVEN"
deletedalmost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
A truly delightful user, very kind, very supportive, very loyal

The Church will always protect you.
almost 8 years
Being the artistic mind I am,I decided to write a poem dedicated to,and in memory of this great user.

It's not weird or whatever,I just thought someone like this deserved at least something,even if I didn't know them that well.
deletedalmost 8 years
whath appens if fred gets baned 2,, she never have say contingency plan?
deletedalmost 8 years
is this like a longer version of the "find him" joke people make when someone gets janned
deletedalmost 8 years
being banned is just an idea
almost 8 years
Here to remind you that nobody ever leaves from EM unless when they are permabanned.
almost 8 years
good luck in your future endeavors, ohdear!
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
"Hi there, Sandbox~
I am stepping away from em and doing so without saying a word seemed really rude to the wonderful people I've met here. I think deleting my account will help me stay away, along with knowing the ridicule I'd get for coming back in 2 weeks now that I've made it public. The biggest reason I'm leaving is simply how much time I spend here, I need to focus more on school and work bc the past 6 months have been my most active on EM and worst in terms of productivity in real life. I really will miss a lot of you on this site, even if y'all are just internet friends a few of you have proven to be some of the most lovely people I've ever met. This is a great community, even with the few rotten apples, and I wish you all the best in the future. <3 If anyone needs a way to contact me for whatever reason, Fred is my go-to guy.
~Ohdearmycatisgone is gone"