I will return in a few hours and you better be ready, son.
deletedalmost 8 years
Why don't you go back to playing outfield in the little league where you belong?
deletedalmost 8 years
You haven't even witnessed a tantrum. When I reach inside of the "humble abode" that is your special safe place inside of your paternally neglected heart: I will sit your father down for a cuppa before we discuss the next steps.
After he has graciously invited me into his bed, I will assume your family responsibilities until I can earn enough allowance to reserve a small article in the post.
When I publish my article under your guise I will reveal your darkest and most sexual secrets. No rock will be safe for you.
Rescind your challenge at once.
My challenge stands.
In the words of Jadakiss: "We gon' handle this like grown men, you won't win You don't even feel comfortable in your own skin I rap my off, I'm fightin' the champ with the glass jaw at the Garden or Nassau"
And in the words of Bugs Bunny: "Of course you realize this means war."
deletedalmost 8 years
You haven't even witnessed a tantrum. When I reach inside of the "humble abode" that is your special safe place inside of your paternally neglected heart: I will sit your father down for a cuppa before we discuss the next steps.
After he has graciously invited me into his bed, I will assume your family responsibilities until I can earn enough allowance to reserve a small article in the post.
When I publish my article under your guise I will reveal your darkest and most sexual secrets. No rock will be safe for you.
Rescind your challenge at once.
deletedalmost 8 years
i never discredited the NYT. their article is mostly accurate. the problem is that they do not address ANY of the allegations made by the #pizzagate discussion online, and the few things they do mention are almost completely irrelevant.
the focus is not on Comet Ping Pong Pizza. it is on the owner, james alefantis, who has an instagram account, which, as shown in the 'collage', includes very BDSM-esque photos. one, which i will not link to or refer you to here, includes a naked teenage girl being sexually assaulted in the @ss. it is a portrait, but the oddity of him posting that on the same account which he shares photos of kids/babies from his restaurant in weird positions (two shown in the collage) is VERY suspect.
this is just the beginning of the mountain. james alefantis was in a romantic relationship with david brock, owner of Correct the Record (CTR) and a strong donor and supporter of the clinton camp.
comet ping pong just happens to be the recipient of numerous high value donations from George Soros himself. the entire STREET which comet ping pong is on has pedophile symbolism in at least 4 different venues, all of which ODDLY enough have hosted major events for the political establishment, which obama, hillary, and podesta have attended.
one of the venues on this particular street just so happens to be a haitian child relief organization. haiti just happens to be the place where Monica Petersen died while investigating child trafficking (http://www.snopes.com/monica-petersen-killed/). haiti also happens to be the conflict state which has been the centerpiece of the Clinton Foundation's questionable financial transactions, including the ownership of the majority of Haiti's gold mines by a brother in-law of Hillary and his very shell-company-esque enterprise. there is also the Laura Silsby case, which is detailed extensively in the 'collage'
alefantis' instagram account, among other disturbing things, happens to include a series of photos involving renovations in backrooms of his various business establishments in the vicinity of comet ping pong, one of which is Besta Pizza, owned by Andrew Kline, the person at the DOJ in charge of child trafficking... and these photos show renovation into what looks like the underground tunnels of Washington DC
and again, this is literally just the very beginning, at which point people began to realize this could very well be real, leading to actual digging.
then you see the madeleine mccann case, which is terrifyingly real.
you see the other cases presented in the collage, of past child sex trafficking rings going into 'cold case' mode, as sonseray mentions. except they are all over the place.
there are so many aspects to this that are sadly not just circumstantial but undeniably real. you can delude yourself all you want, but the reality is we live in a world where the most powerful can literally r@pe and molest the least powerful. the truth is still being silenced everywhere, but not for long - the internet is shedding light on the darkest corners of humanity.
i never discredited the NYT. their article is mostly accurate. the problem is that they do not address ANY of the allegations made by the #pizzagate discussion online, and the few things they do mention are almost completely irrelevant.
the focus is not on Comet Ping Pong Pizza. it is on the owner, james alefantis, who has an instagram account, which, as shown in the 'collage', includes very BDSM-esque photos. one, which i will not link to or refer you to here, includes a naked teenage girl being sexually assaulted in the @ss. it is a portrait, but the oddity of him posting that on the same account which he shares photos of kids/babies from his restaurant in weird positions (two shown in the collage) is VERY suspect.
this is just the beginning of the mountain. james alefantis was in a romantic relationship with david brock, owner of Correct the Record (CTR) and a strong donor and supporter of the clinton camp.
comet ping pong just happens to be the recipient of numerous high value donations from George Soros himself. the entire STREET which comet ping pong is on has pedophile symbolism in at least 4 different venues, all of which ODDLY enough have hosted major events for the political establishment, which obama, hillary, and podesta have attended.
one of the venues on this particular street just so happens to be a haitian child relief organization. haiti just happens to be the place where Monica Petersen died while investigating child trafficking (http://www.snopes.com/monica-petersen-killed/). haiti also happens to be the conflict state which has been the centerpiece of the Clinton Foundation's questionable financial transactions, including the ownership of the majority of Haiti's gold mines by a brother in-law of Hillary and his very shell-company-esque enterprise. there is also the Laura Silsby case, which is detailed extensively in the 'collage'
deletedalmost 8 years
Play your position, small soldier.
deletedalmost 8 years
Okay that's ridiculous.
First, you come in here hate-spewing all of the most insidiously implanted logic I've ever seen...
Second, you challenge my dadship.
All of the ravens in Valhalla won't save you from the shitfuckery that I am about to unleash.
Is shitfuckery why you're so into dads?
deletedalmost 8 years
Okay that's ridiculous.
First, you come in here hate-spewing all of the most insidiously implanted logic I've ever seen...
Second, you challenge my dadship.
All of the ravens in Valhalla won't save you from the shitfuckery that I am about to unleash.
deletedalmost 8 years
This is an insecure, non-dad-related echochamber of filth and I won't leave it unchecked.
It can be dad related if you try to debate me, because I'll make you my son.
deletedalmost 8 years
This is an insecure, non-dad-related echochamber of filth and I won't leave it unchecked.
deletedalmost 8 years
Why? Are you allergic to facts?
deletedalmost 8 years
A dad is a dad is a dad, Steve.
The rest of this conversation sickens me.
deletedalmost 8 years
On a more receptive note of plain curiosity, what chain of events led you to completely deny accepted fact within a credible source like the New York Times, and instead seek out an alternative unverified reality in the bowels of the internet?
no one would lie on such a credible site
deletedalmost 8 years
What a gay thread
Let's just agree to leave our fathers out of this one, eh Skepticism?
deletedalmost 8 years
On a more receptive note of plain curiosity, what chain of events led you to completely deny accepted fact within a credible source like the New York Times, and instead seek out an alternative unverified reality in the bowels of the internet?
God help me if I don't prove myself EVERY 30 minutes
deletedalmost 8 years
Yeah let's all mentally masturbate to the fake opinions of psychopaths— are we having fun yet?
God help you if you don't prove yourself in the next 30 minutes.
deletedalmost 8 years
What a gay thread
deletedalmost 8 years
A US pizza place conspiracy solves a decade old cold case about a British girl kidnapped in Portugal.
deletedalmost 8 years
Orly has lost his mind so completely that he has asserted pizzagate as the solution to Madeline McCann being kidnapped in a foreign country.
That is absolutely bananas.
Clearly your mafia skill has surpassed decades of real police work by real detectives so completely that you have solved two cold cases at once using only the power of the collage.