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Closed role pools

almost 8 years

Hi all

One last suggestion because I don't want to bombard lucid with ideas.

Has a role-pool system ever been considered for closed setups? Basically instead of creating a closed setup like this:

  • 12 players
  • 7 town
  • 3 mafia
  • 2 thirds

You create a setup like this:

  • 12 players
  • 2 roles from the following
    • Cop
    • Detective
    • Tracker
    • Watcher etc.
  • 1 role from the following
    • Doctor
    • Nurse
    • Surgeon
  • etc.

That way you can create sandbox setups where there will always be an investigative role, or a protective role, or a hostile third role that can joint with mafia etc. etc.

Basically it keeps the nature of closed setups in tact so you don't initially know which roles are in the game, but allows for balance so that you don't get a town like this:

  • President
  • Bulletproof
  • Bleeder
  • Gallis
  • Loudmouth
  • Ghoul
  • Mason
Closed role-pool setups
5 signed
Sign this if you'd be interested in this terrible cancerous idea.
almost 8 years

celestial says

SirAmelio says

lucid increased the amount of setups for multisetups from 6 to 12. thats more than enough to create diverse setups like the ones youre saying

yeah if you consider setups like fancy pants diverse

i dont

but now theres option for 12 different setups in just one.

which you can totally use to rotate 2 investigative roles, 2 saving roles, 2 misc roles, etc in each setup

setup 1 is cop, tracker, doc, nurse, santa, gs
setup 2 is tracker, watcher, bg, doc, gs, bs
setup 3 is det, watcher, surgeon, doc, gs, keymaker

etc etc theres more than enough room with 12 different setups to have diverse yet interesting setups
almost 8 years

cub says

it's simpler to implement the age-old suggestion "let us make certain roles always appear in closed role setups"

I guess if you think of it this way, we already have 3 role pools:

- Town
- Mafia
- Third

So this suggestion is really about splitting those pools into a number of sub-pools with certain roles assigned to each. From a programming perspective this is probably a lot easier than forcing specific outcomes in a series of randomised results.

I'm not certain though, which is why I posted the idea to see if it had been considered and if not, whether it might be an easier task than the traditional idea of how it could be done.
deletedalmost 8 years

SirAmelio says

lucid increased the amount of setups for multisetups from 6 to 12. thats more than enough to create diverse setups like the ones youre saying

yeah if you consider setups like fancy pants diverse
almost 8 years
it's simpler to implement the age-old suggestion "let us make certain roles always appear in closed role setups"
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

lucid increased the amount of setups for multisetups from 6 to 12. thats more than enough to create diverse setups like the ones youre saying

Multis don't work in sadbox, nobody joins them.
almost 8 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

I think Lucid might already have something like this working in the background because, personally, I've never seen a town full of misc. roles. There's generally always a mix of investigative, medical, and misc. roles. If he doesn't then this just happens anyways due to probability.

I agree that this happens but I think it's due to role probability rather than any deliberate attempt at balance. Similar to why noavis are more likely to be mafia, because experienced players with tokens are more likely to put probability on good town roles.

As far as I'm aware there is no mechanism to prevent roles from being stacked heavily in one side's favour, which is a problem even for a non-serious lobby like sandbox.
almost 8 years
What is this town of Salem lol
almost 8 years
lucid increased the amount of setups for multisetups from 6 to 12. thats more than enough to create diverse setups like the ones youre saying
deletedalmost 8 years
I think Lucid might already have something like this working in the background because, personally, I've never seen a town full of misc. roles. There's generally always a mix of investigative, medical, and misc. roles. If he doesn't then this just happens anyways due to probability.

But I feel like certain roles do have a higher chance of being rolled in games, like cop.

Unless you want to be able to choose your own role pool during game setup without forcing it by limiting what ratio of types of roles you add to the closed role setup