Heya Sandbox! This is a new thing I'm trying out where once a month I select a user from within the community whom I think deserves to be commended for their contributions to our lobby!
In the threads you can say nice things about the user that has been picked and overall show them some love as a community, to give back the love they've shown us.
So without further ado it's time to reveal who has been chosen for the very first community spotlight and that's a user that I think goes fairly underappreciated in the lobby. They're somebody who, at least as far as I can see, has nothing but friends and positive opinions from others within the lobby. They're always hanging out in lobby chat and playing games, having fun and being friendly with all sandboxers alike. I am, of course, talking about Sandbox's resident 'strayan cat, Herredy!
So thank you very much for being a part of our community Herredy and I hope the rest of the community will join me in thanking you for your constant efforts in making everyone in Sandbox feel happy, welcome and as though they have a friend in you.