about 8 years

greetings epicmafia community,

i usually say "daily reminder there r only 2 genders" but some mod has been constantly deleting them and others' posts as well (if this mod is found, there will be things done - cut this sh1t out.)

anyways, there are only 2 genders.

no reputable doctor believes in this "more-than-2 genders" bullsh1t.

you can feel like a male, female, or neither/both, but there are still only two genders. any other identity are invalid and you should seriously reconsider your life.

Note: If you are currently muted but would like to be serious and actually discuss, let me know and I'll add you back.

List of fake gender identities: http://genderfluidsupport.tumblr.com/gender/

"prounouns" list: http://genderfluidsupport.tumblr.com/Pronouns

"sexualities": http://genderfluidsupport.tumblr.com/orientations/

how many genders
more than 2
almost 8 years

glow says

actually whats the third gender

almost 8 years
well really i think that it doesn't matter what gender/pronoun someone identifies with as long as they are a good person that's all that should matter ( :
almost 8 years
relevant thread
almost 8 years
thanks 4 the bump ballsy
deletedalmost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years

NoOne21 says

when are we debating the need to stop the islamization of europe

deletedalmost 8 years
when are we debating the need to stop the islamization of europe
deletedalmost 8 years

Blister says

knows how to make and proxy 300 accounts but can't post a gif smh security get this wreck outta here

its not my fault that gifs suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deletedalmost 8 years
knows how to make and proxy 300 accounts but can't post a gif smh security get this wreck outta here
deletedalmost 8 years

Blister says

CoryInConstantinople says

yes only 2 gendders

wat the fak transfob i knew this was a bad idea security get this loon outta here

almost 8 years
[img][/img] imgur only
deletedalmost 8 years
tfw i cant figure out how to post gifs anymore
deletedalmost 8 years

Blister says

CoryInConstantinople says

yes only 2 gendders

wat the fak transfob i knew this was a bad idea security get this loon outta here

![enter image description here][1]

[1]: https://68.media.tumblr.com/6466db0e9dce1bd6631be8957f1c42de/tumblr_inline_oeglx4WoRd1si4ouw_500.gif
deletedalmost 8 years

Blister says

CoryInConstantinople says

yes only 2 gendders

wat the fak transfob i knew this was a bad idea security get this loon outta here

[img] https://68.media.tumblr.com/6466db0e9dce1bd6631be8957f1c42de/tumblr_inline_oeglx4WoRd1si4ouw_500.gif [/img]
deletedalmost 8 years

CoryInConstantinople says

yes only 2 gendders

wat the fak transfob i knew this was a bad idea security get this loon outta here
deletedalmost 8 years
yes only 2 gendders
almost 8 years
let's call them blenders
almost 8 years

Edgeworthh says

"I identify as a blender"


Never forget. That is all I said.

is there a word for the types of people who use threads to be salty about reports
almost 8 years

glow says

actually whats the third gender

attack helicopter
deletedalmost 8 years

glow says

actually whats the third gender

almost 8 years
come on. everybody knows there are only men on the internet. i doubt women even exist irl, let alone other genders.
almost 8 years
actually whats the third gender
almost 8 years
"I identify as a blender"


Never forget. That is all I said.
almost 8 years
w e w
almost 8 years

Markus says

meetterry, why are you in a family who's description says "family goals: 1- be nice 2- make friends" when you are clearly here to do neither

get out of here, pseudo-australian cuck