Put your suggestions for the EpicMafia website (i.e. anything excluding the Mafia browser game or other browser games) here.https://epicmafia.com/topic/81096/edit
A keyword search in threads would be nice. It'd also make things a lot easier in these suggestion threads floating around when you need to go back to a good suggestion but don't want to sift through 60+ pages like the New Roles/Game Mechanics one has reached.
deletedabout 8 years
hmm this is gonna sound dumb and a lot of work but i'd like a leveling system, rather than just points n stuff lol.
I think it'd be pretty cool to have a level system for each mode, unranked, ranked, comp, etc. max level whatever and amount of games whatever
Goofy Jimbei and Malignant Morgan are always fighting in these High Quality EpicMafia Suggestion Threads, derailing High Quality Discussions on profile pets! Sad!
Add a chat for users a la TownOfSalem. It could use XMPP or IRC as a backend fairly easily or you could recycle the one used by the mentor system probably.
i hope jimbei negs your post for taking her post seriously bebop
Poe's law. It's pretty tough to determine whether or not someone is trolling or just stupid without an obvious indicator. Especially when said person is Jimbei.
epicmafia premium or whatever isn't a bad idea but i don't like the idea of giving holders of it a star on the forums. i think just having the role mods and site mods have it is more useful as it points them out more to newer users who can look to them for guidance.
greatly relaxed the restrictions for making setups, the unbalanced teams message should only appear if there are less than 4 players. please let me know if this either (1) leads to stuff broken on the site or (2) leads to some sort of farming