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EMBB4 Trophy Game Application

over 7 years

Welcome everyone, to the EMBB4 applications!

If you are unfamiliar with what EMBB is exactly, please read this thread that helps explain it:



Start Date: TBA (When the holidays end)

Application Deadline: December 24th 2016

If you've already played EMBB, you are not allowed to apply for this season.

Who do you want to see win this season?
Frantic Ratings, N1ed
Abort Mission, Jakeyy
Rap God, Calvin
Aspiring Vocalist, Otherscott
Spam Typis, Coolkidrox123
Star Dancer, UglyOS7
over 7 years
Have a good time, guys. Enjoy the experience. Make some friends. Make some enemies. Don't get eighth like me.
deletedover 7 years
I applied. Hope to make it
over 7 years

kandy says

I'm ready.... xo.

oh is kandy playing
over 7 years
Hey, I was involved in musical theatre, so I know how to bring the drama. ;)
deletedover 7 years
I'm here for the drama.

And Big Brother experience.

And drama.
over 7 years

I'm ready.... xo.
over 7 years
thank the literal christ there's no secret power
over 7 years
Kind of looking forward to being able to watch from the outside again. Way less stressful.

So yes, I have high hopes for this!
deletedover 7 years
YESSSSSS so excited for this season! good luck to everyone applying and make sure to boost the #ratings
over 7 years
good luck to everyone signing up! its a great experience!
deletedover 7 years
yes! < 3