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Sammy Love Thread

over 7 years

this is a thread to write or show or do anything for our lovely friend sammy!!! our little has been going through some rough patches lately and i really hope that our messages of love and gratitude towards him can cheer him up :-) i'll start!!

sammy is the brightest most radiant star in the solar system! a lovely, kind, caring, forgiving, sweet person ^^

please note this is not a thread abt me and any user other than sammy so please feel free to post whoever you are as long as you have loving words for sammy!!! i won't be touching or deleting anyone's posts!

sign if u love sammy
14 signed
i, user, hearby love sammy and will vote 4 him in the next american election
sammy is...
a sweet pea bumblebee
a boob
a meme
deletedover 7 years
tidus is a Cutie and i would give him a big ol smooch
over 7 years
hi sammy. thanks for always complimenting me, it really means a lot. My self esteem has gone up by a good amount because of you. Stay you and always do best so that your best keeps getting better. break your limits!!!
deletedover 7 years
deletedover 7 years
kiss ben
over 7 years

Ben says

i want to give sammy a hug

deletedover 7 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

RIP in peace, sammy

sometimes i still hear his voice..
deletedover 7 years
RIP in peace, sammy
deletedover 7 years
appreciate me more
deletedover 7 years

sl0nderman says

Ben says

i saw sl0nd dying alone with no one to love him

Jokes on you that's intentional

do you need to Talk
over 7 years

Ben says

i saw sl0nd dying alone with no one to love him

Jokes on you that's intentional
deletedover 7 years

Ben says

i want to give sammy a hug

over 7 years
i want to give sammy a hug
deletedover 7 years

Foxy666 says

honnestly block me and DELETE me after that comment

EX OH MAR IE TONGUE P O Palicious DAWLING lets get SICKENING *kiss again*
over 7 years
honnestly block me and DELETE me after that comment
deletedover 7 years

Foxy666 says

wish sammy died tbh

over 7 years
wish sammy died tbh
over 7 years
love sammy!!!!!!!!! sammy is a sweetheart
deletedover 7 years
I'd turn gay for sammy and send him nudes


tbh Sammy is pretty kewl, funny and funky :3
Stay awesome Sammy :3
over 7 years
sammy i am ur dad
deletedover 7 years
sammy is cute and seems to be pretty loyal to his online pals so gj sammy
deletedover 7 years

sl0nderman says

i saw sammy's thread in main trying to find friends there cause he dont have any in sb lul

ACTUALLY i went to main lobby to make MORE friends so f*ck you :)
over 7 years
i saw sl0nd dying alone with no one to love him
over 7 years
i saw sammy's thread in main trying to find friends there cause he dont have any in sb lul
over 7 years
I LOVE SAMMY u deserve all the love and affection you're just so special and sweet i hope things will ease up for you sammy
over 7 years
10/10 would plug