deletedover 7 years

Anyone watching? Just finished the 5th episode and I reckon it's getting really interesting now

almost 6 years
early to mid episodes were pretty weak but finale was okay.

tbh ford's presence directly correlated with how good an episode is and now that he's probably gone i'm a little scared
almost 6 years
i stopped watching after they ran into the samurais like listen up i'm trying to take a break from anime you weebtards -_-
almost 6 years
What a finale
about 6 years

Orly says

yea i hope the 2nd series doesnt ruin the quality of the 1st, a la true detective

about 6 years
meh. subpar season so far
about 6 years
bring yourself back online, westworld thread
about 7 years
If you didn't watch it, it's GREAT
about 7 years

inspire says

Worth trying out? What's it like? Mindful wants to watch it but she's a latina so I need some white opinions first to make sure it aligns with my taste.

about 7 years
i like it except for that they play radiohead and soundgarden in the old west
deletedabout 7 years
Did you guys see that Westworld won best picture at the Oscars? I mean it didn't, but I'm going to pretend it did/
about 7 years
just started watching and it's crazy good
deletedabout 7 years
I think that could definitely happen but I think Season 1 by itself is a masterpiece like nothing else.
about 7 years
I didnt compare it to Heroes in that way, its just that heroes was really good in the first 2 seasons and then dropped in quality, I feel this will be the same but hopefully I am wrong!
about 7 years
The pilot cost $25 million dollars and they spent about $100 million on the first season. This really is a whole different level of quality.
deletedabout 7 years
I think the second season will be as good if not better than the first. The first season was clearly designed to setup the backstory of the second.

HBO has already ordered 5 seasons though, and I can imagine this being a show that sets the bar so high with the first two seasons that the last 3 could certainly be disappointing. I'm already a fanboy though after that first season so I'll probably watch whatever junk they turn out.

I've never seen true detective but I take offense to Westworld being compared to Heroes honestly. Maybe it's because I just got my heartbroken so I'm just giving into my inner geek, but I think Westworld is on another tier of quality entirely. So much deliberate thought goes into each scene of Westworld. Every slight movement, every seemingly minor occurrence, serves directly to further the overarching plot, which we've only seen the first half of so far. Also I don't think I've ever seen so much star power on the small screen.
about 7 years
I think this has one quality season left in it and then it's down to being like Heroes
about 7 years
yea i hope the 2nd series doesnt ruin the quality of the 1st, a la true detective
about 7 years

PainFoinmr says

I've done 3 episodes so far. I don't like it. Does it get good? I might do one more episode because I'm curious what the cannibal guy from ''the silence of lambs'' will do.

He'll be amazing.
about 7 years
I've done 3 episodes so far. I don't like it. Does it get good? I might do one more episode because I'm curious what the cannibal guy from ''the silence of lambs'' will do.
deletedabout 7 years
"It will have all those things you've always enjoyed. Surprises... And violence! It begins in a time of war, with a villain... named Wyatt. And a killing, this time by choice. I'm sad to say, this will be my final story. An old friend once told me something that gives me great comfort. Something he'd read. He'd said that Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin never died, they simply became music. So I hope you will enjoy this last piece... very much"
deletedabout 7 years
Has anyone else reached the conclusion that this is literally the best filmed story ever created?

Especially the below scene. Literally my favorite scene of media of all time. Major spoilers.

By the way, I highly recommend a rewatch. The Man In Black says: "It's the subtleties, the things you've never noticed before, that keep them coming back here."

There are very intentional rewards laced through the series for people who rewatch it.
about 7 years
Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, I...
deletedabout 7 years
Finished it and I can't decide if Hector or Ford will be my next "secret" alt
about 7 years
This has spoilers in it, so only watch if you've seen episode 4:

deletedabout 7 years
Finished episode 1 and I think I'm hooked already