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Ben's Sprites

almost 8 years

these are now included in emjack. use the command /icons ben to activate them

also they are now animated!

Hi i made a sprite set for all roles

how fun

heres a imgur album (that is in backwards order)

its not the best and some need changing because they are not that clear, so feedback would be good.

heres a load of them:

if you can tell what they are then gj

I have no idea how to do like a script to actually put them on or whatever so

edit: here's the sprite sheet courtesy of golb:

almost 8 years
ok so apparently you can have gif role sprites

this is interesting

I may make an animated version of some sprites then. would having them all do a little idle motion (think pokemon menu sprites like this )
almost 8 years

I added them using Foxy's emjack update thing heres them working in game
almost 8 years

Furry says

make one of bowser

no but there should be
almost 8 years
the penguin is adorable
deletedalmost 8 years
These are pretty good.
almost 8 years
too small
almost 8 years
Far too homoerotic.
deletedalmost 8 years
they are very cute
almost 8 years

Furry says

make one of bowser

is there a bowser role
almost 8 years
make one of bowser
almost 8 years
bumping with my favourite