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Scottvivor All-Stars

over 7 years

Hello everyone,

So we are starting to close in on the 8th Scottvivor, and to follow the show I want to make that one a special All-Star game.

The winner of the game will get 60 tokens.

So here is the deal:

  1. All Stars will be open to anyone has played (and not suicided out of) a Scottvivor in the past. If you aren't sure whether you qualify or not, see this spreadsheet and look for your name:

  2. If you have not played in a Scottvivor before, there will be one more game played on November 12th, probably in the evening ET. This will be the last game before All Stars. If you reserve below and have yet to play, the reservation is contingent on you playing that game.

  3. I'm expecting there to be about 12 players, if there is more than 16 I will likely need a cohost.

  4. Date TBD, but it will be in the second half of November. Depending on the reservations we get, will determine what time the game is at. Most Scottvivor's have been in the morning and I think that time is most likely to work for the greatest number of people, as long as the North Americans are willing to wake up.

Please reserve below. I want to get a good idea of numbers so I can make the game in the most ideal way possible.

EDIT: I'm upvoting everyone who has already qualified. If you aren't upvoted you need to play on November 12th.

EDIT 14-Nov-16: So the game on the 12th went belly up due to a buggy site, there will be another game occurring pre-all stars, date TBD.

I'm thinking the best time for All-Stars would be at about 8 AM EST, but I know that's not great at all for the Aussies that make up a good portion of the morning game players. Also the North Americans would have to wake up. The other alternative is about 8 PM EST, but that completely screws the Europeans who would want to play so I'm thinking it won't be that.

EDIT: 15-Nov-16: I have dates! Scottvivor VII will take place on December 3rd at 7:30 PM (hopefully no bugs this time) and Scottvivor All-Stars will then be on December 10th at 8 AM.

EDIT: 5-Dec-16

Expanding to 24, also Scottvivor winners get an automatic place in the game so if Erisim, Moomo, or hedger decide they want to play someone may get bumped.

I encourage everyone who ends up on the waiting list to show up anyways, as the likelihood of all 24 reserves showing up is pretty slim.

List of Reserves:

  1. karthikbk

  2. matt

  3. emily

  4. figxand

  5. HardCarry

  6. coolkidrox123

  7. Picante

  8. TennisBallBFDI2

  9. Sansruse

  10. karthikdchamp

  11. Lelmoo

  12. JohnBatman

  13. LakSZN

  14. MidNightAwaken

  15. PotatoPlayer

  16. ShiroWhite

  17. cjn104

  18. Goldd96

  19. LHarney

  20. XXNicoleXX

  21. tigerawr

  22. zayzaytheking

  23. Voice

  24. FireDragonPrince


  1. LineLiar (?)

  2. Corydonut

  3. JacobV

Which All Star Survivor will you play most like?
Boston Rob
Richard Hatch
over 7 years
I'm working on the 12th I won't be able to make it.
over 7 years
I'm in , Reserve
over 7 years
Tentaserve because I don't know my work schedule for one of my jobs for that week.
deletedover 7 years
Scott I played and got vegged cause I had to eat breakfast not on my own doing what the heck
over 7 years
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
deletedover 7 years
I'll reserve :D
over 7 years
I got double qualifications! Im in!
over 7 years

HardCarry says

Can I play

You'll have to play in the November 12th game first, basically. I don't change the rules for mods :)
over 7 years
Can I play
deletedover 7 years
I reserve please!
over 7 years