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new rule for locking threads

almost 8 years

i don't know what the current rule is or if it's just out of some random whim, but i think shutting down discussion needs a more concrete reason than "i personally don't care for this thread"

how about only locking threads that violate community guidelines and leave threads you don't like alone

even if you don't think there's a point to a topic, pointless topics are not against the rules

deletedalmost 8 years
This thread looks reasonable and popular, lets lock it mods

Bebop, fnoof. I'm looking at you
almost 8 years
In addition to this, we need to discuss why moderators aren't being held accountable for abuse. Locking threads that aren't breaking any rules is most definitely abuse.
deletedalmost 8 years
As a crazy conspiracy theorist, I believe the mods lock threads that are popular in order to get their threads on the recent topics. It's an advanced form of mod abuse.
deletedalmost 8 years

cub says

also your thread on lobby moderators was only open for like a few hours i wasnt even awake within the timespan that it opened and closed what kind of feedback is that like there are people online at different times of the day you know

deletedalmost 8 years
If a topic is actually pointless move it to spam, honestly, the most drastic measure that should be taken on topics is being moved there instead of being locked or, luckily something that does not happen too much, be deleted
almost 8 years

cub says

also your thread on lobby moderators was only open for like a few hours i wasnt even awake within the timespan that it opened and closed what kind of feedback is that like there are people online at different times of the day you know

To be fair, that was Bebop's thread and as the creator of a thread he can lock and unlock it as he pleases.

I do agree with the rest of the post, though.
almost 8 years
also your thread on lobby moderators was only open for like a few hours i wasnt even awake within the timespan that it opened and closed what kind of feedback is that like there are people online at different times of the day you know
almost 8 years
its annoying when i want to reply to a thread and its locked