almost 8 years

Greetings Sandbox moderation team,

I said to Bebop that I'd write this up for him in a much more diplomatic way than Jimbei chose to.

Personally, I don't think that non-mods, ex-mods, "shadow mods" if you choose to call them that, should be in the Sandbox moderator chat. However, based on a few scattered quotes from Bebop and Error have made over the last day or so, along with the testimony from Jamal surrounding his drama from last week, I'm a little confused on how the moderator chat works: it sounds as though it's currently being used as a leisurely break room while side chats are made to handle actual modding affairs.

I'm okay with this setup as long as non-mods are never in these chats for actual modding affairs unless it actually concerns them. I think some clarification is needed on how these mod chats work, and if I could be a little radical in my next proposal I'd like to see the chat records from at least these smaller, case-based chats released (with any personal info expunged of course.)

almost 8 years

JamalMarley says

SirAmelio says

there are two types of moderation cases

1) the ones where its about slurs or light stuff like that, if needed is debated in the full mod chat

2) the ones a bit more complex, like the jamal one, are debated in a chat with just the current members of the team

regardless, while non-mods can give their opinions, the one that actually "matters" are the ones from the mod team if we need to vote on something

In my chat, Bebop suggested we bring in Merlot (a non-lobby mod) but I contested it so it did not happen.

i dont remember the circumstances but it was just a suggestion and since you didn't want to, he didn't add her
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
Okay, here is the lowdown. So i stepped down, I am still in the mod chat. Anything mod related we don't even participate in we are just kind of like "damn tht sucks" or whatever. We don't spam the chat bc frankly none of us talk that much and anything that is super long is something the mods are talking about. As far as the separate chats go for important modding stuff, I wouldn't know about because I am not in them. All me and the other ex mods do is knit sweaters and laugh at everyone's suffering.
almost 8 years
hi, newly ex mod here:

it is mainly a break room. we spend most of our time just chatting. if there is a general issue in sandbox, we all discuss it. if we are checking to see if something is acceptable (like spelling slurs/images being posted that toe the line), then we all discuss it. that keeps it fair-- i tended to be more conservative, so it helped me to see things more fairly.

sometimes the site mods in there are able to help us with stuff. however, when it comes down to deciding ban times, only mods and bebop have say in that. when it comes down to deciding whether to ban at all, again only mods and bebop have say in that. if there is something big going on that is not a cut and dry offense, then separate chats are made to discuss it with only the mods who wish to be involved in it.

right now i'm still in the chat, but they know that i do think it is important to make sure we treat each individual fairly. i and the others who were already no longer mods know where to draw the line, and if i ever felt like that line was being crossed i'd leave the chat, and i know the others would as well.
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

there are two types of moderation cases

1) the ones where its about slurs or light stuff like that, if needed is debated in the full mod chat

2) the ones a bit more complex, like the jamal one, are debated in a chat with just the current members of the team

regardless, while non-mods can give their opinions, the one that actually "matters" are the ones from the mod team if we need to vote on something

In my chat, Bebop suggested we bring in Merlot (a non-lobby mod) but I contested it so it did not happen.

Another issue that needs to be discussed is the current mod team being accountable for their own actions. Why is this not happening? I can go in depth, but I want to know when our moderators will be held accountable.
almost 8 years
there are two types of moderation cases

1) the ones where its about slurs or light stuff like that, if needed is debated in the full mod chat

2) the ones a bit more complex, like the jamal one, are debated in a chat with just the current members of the team

regardless, while non-mods can give their opinions, the one that actually "matters" are the ones from the mod team if we need to vote on something
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

I'm okay with this setup as long as non-mods are never in these chats for actual modding affairs unless it actually concerns them.

this is how it happens

I just need some actual clarification since I've heard different and confusing things as to what the purpose of the mod chat is.

Bebop says

i'm gonna lock this thread in a few minutes because i'm about to make a thread that will just about cover everything in this thread, just giving you forewarning.

almost 8 years
i'm gonna lock this thread in a few minutes because i'm about to make a thread that will just about cover everything in this thread, just giving you forewarning.
almost 8 years
I'm okay with this setup as long as non-mods are never in these chats for actual modding affairs unless it actually concerns them.

this is how it happens