Greetings Sandbox moderation team,
I said to Bebop that I'd write this up for him in a much more diplomatic way than Jimbei chose to.
Personally, I don't think that non-mods, ex-mods, "shadow mods" if you choose to call them that, should be in the Sandbox moderator chat. However, based on a few scattered quotes from Bebop and Error have made over the last day or so, along with the testimony from Jamal surrounding his drama from last week, I'm a little confused on how the moderator chat works: it sounds as though it's currently being used as a leisurely break room while side chats are made to handle actual modding affairs.
I'm okay with this setup as long as non-mods are never in these chats for actual modding affairs unless it actually concerns them. I think some clarification is needed on how these mod chats work, and if I could be a little radical in my next proposal I'd like to see the chat records from at least these smaller, case-based chats released (with any personal info expunged of course.)