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Popularity contest

deletedalmost 8 years

Hello my dearest loving epic mafia community

Throughout the past I've seen quite a few people modded and demoded, on both ends for silly reasons. It's no secret that people pick on mod choices as just a big popularity contest, but is this poking fun at the thought excusing the [insert current owner here]'s choice in moderator-ship.

The most recent case was with the demodding of 3 people, 1 undeserving of what happened and 2 who did absolutely nothing wrong in the first place. After this, 2 people who never even posted an application was let through, one as a 'temp' but there's been 0 talk about them being replaced. They've gone from a temp to a perma.

While I was mod, most of the reasoning included "they're not known enough to the community" or "they're too popular and it may look like a popularity contest". By trying to avoid making it a popularity contest, are we making it a popularity contest?

All decisions are extremely biased. While voting for moderators have been discarded as a "popularity contest", wouldn't that be better than just the owner picking someone who's clique enough but not too much that people would rip into them?

Please discuss and share your opinions.

almost 8 years
Mod me
almost 8 years
as i said, reports and mod actions are not necessarily indicative of activity, platy and trick are much more active in the mod chat when we discuss decisions and are more active on the site in general.
deletedalmost 8 years

nightmarePhantom says

how do I enter the popularity contest?

You can pm me your application.
almost 8 years
Mod Me
deletedalmost 8 years
Also if I can just nitpick a bit more

If Trick and Platy are more active yet only produced 5 reports total in nearly the same span of time

then sl0nderman and TO producing 6 yet are considered too inactive to moderate

I just feel this is disproportionate. What makes them more active then sl0nderman or TO? I don't mean to attack either of them as they are good people but I also think that TO and sl0nd are good people, and I feel that sandbox's definition as active and your definition of active is extremely different.
almost 8 years
how do I enter the popularity contest?
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

So is trick a permanent mod now?

yes and that has been stated before.
deletedalmost 8 years
So is trick a permanent mod now?
deletedalmost 8 years

SirAmelio says

we are all smart enough to know that no matter who gets modded there will be some kind of backslash by a group of users or the others

how many mods have actually been 100% well liked by everyone???

i dont think i can even remember one

Tbh I have never heard an ill word said about you, tricksterer, or Platy. Have you?

I get Jimbei's critique that mods shouldn't be picked based on popularity. But I think she is off the mark here because you guys weren't part of a clique before, and you weren't popular because of any social circle but rather your individual contributions. Perhaps that just needs to be made clear when a mod is chosen. Right now the team seems fine.
almost 8 years
mod actions aren't necessarily indicative of how active they were. myself and the rest of the people involved can say with confidence that trick and platy are more active.
deletedalmost 8 years
Mod actions
I count 6 from Amelio, plus 4 overruled
4 from error
3 from tricksterer, plus 1 overruled
and 1 from platypops(I PM'ed him the evidence in that case)

3 from ThoughtfulOlive
0 from bibty
3 from sl0nderman
And a ton from error

Bibty sure but you can't really argue that TO and sl0nd were more inactive than trick and platypops.
almost 8 years
tricksterer sent a message to Bebop 1mon 1d ago
« Back Reply
mod app
i'm very sorry i missed the cutoff time; i was at work!

Why do you want to be a moderator?

i have enjoyed being a temp moderator so far and would like to continue doing it. i come to sandbox to chill out and relax after work, and i'm pretty fond of the community. in addition, i see a lot of conflicts that i would really like to at least try to help resolve to make the experience more pleasant for everyone.

Why would you make a good moderator?

i don't really have any problems with anyone in sandbox and never have. i've been active in the community since 2014 and am relatively well known. i don't get angry easily, and if i do i am good at checking my impulses and not attacking other people or acting rashly. conflict resolution and mediation is something i enjoy doing, as is watching out for new players or anyone who might need some help.

How active are you in Sandbox?

normally i am on every day for at least a couple of hours; like i said i come here for stress relief, so some days i need more of that than others :) i do work full time, so i am not be available constantly because of my work hours.

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

it would be presumptuous of me to say everyone likes me, but i can at the very least say that i have a relatively good reputation. and everyone loves dikdiks
deletedalmost 8 years
Also I'm still waiting on Trick's app, beboop
deletedalmost 8 years
Show me how platy and trick are being active then
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

bdog1321 says

SirAmelio says

we are all smart enough to know that no matter who gets modded there will be some kind of backslash by a group of users or the others

how many mods have actually been 100% well liked by everyone???

i dont think i can even remember one

bdog1321 says

Bebop says

I think the mod teams went like this (excluding me):

best team

I can think of one person who didn't want you to be mod

no you can't
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

The majority of reasoning when modding is how the community would handle it.

I like SirAmelio, Tricksterer and Platypops but in the past it's been brought up that trick and platy would be too inactive if they were mods. Why is it okay for plats and trick to be as inactive as bibty and olive?

Also, you were the person who chose to mod me. Opinions change, Bebop. People change.

that's making the false assumption that trick and platy are as inactive as bibty and olive. they aren't.
deletedalmost 8 years

bdog1321 says

SirAmelio says

we are all smart enough to know that no matter who gets modded there will be some kind of backslash by a group of users or the others

how many mods have actually been 100% well liked by everyone???

i dont think i can even remember one

bdog1321 says

Bebop says

I think the mod teams went like this (excluding me):

best team

I can think of one person who didn't want you to be mod
deletedalmost 8 years
The majority of reasoning when modding is how the community would handle it.

I like SirAmelio, Tricksterer and Platypops but in the past it's been brought up that trick and platy would be too inactive if they were mods. Why is it okay for plats and trick to be as inactive as bibty and olive?

Also, you were the person who chose to mod me. Opinions change, Bebop. People change.
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

we are all smart enough to know that no matter who gets modded there will be some kind of backslash by a group of users or the others

how many mods have actually been 100% well liked by everyone???

i dont think i can even remember one

bdog1321 says

Bebop says

I think the mod teams went like this (excluding me):

best team

almost 8 years
no it isn't lol, being well known is part of it because modding people we don't know that well didn't turn out very well when we did it. but other factors are considered like how much they contribute to the community and whether or not they have a personality suited to it. i don't think you can really say that siramelio, tricksterer or platypops don't make good mods. i excluded error from that list because i know you don't like him, even though you were one of the people who agreed to mod him.
almost 8 years
we are all smart enough to know that no matter who gets modded there will be some kind of backslash by a group of users or the others

how many mods have actually been 100% well liked by everyone???

i dont think i can even remember one
deletedalmost 8 years
The prerequisite to be moderator that was not listed on the opening post of mod apps was you had to be popular, but not too popular. It won't get any backlash, and they can chose the person best conforming to their ideals to assimilate well into the group chat.

That's how most mods are picked
deletedalmost 8 years
god forbid the moderators are .. gasp.. WELL-LIKED
deletedalmost 8 years

bebop says

PMs will not be considered

Please give me Trick's application with a timestamp present.

bebop says

Everyone will be considered

During the application process, most people failed to even get past your screening to the short list.

I'm nitpicking here.

The main point of the topic isn't about the moderator applications(although I don't mind it diverging this way), the main point of my topic is I feel that most reasoning behind moderators have been insufficient, and they're basically popularity contests.

You can produce the same result by having people elect and vote for people who wish to be moderators, democracy style.
almost 8 years

Bebop says

I think the mod teams went like this (excluding me):

best team