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Popularity contest

deletedalmost 8 years

Hello my dearest loving epic mafia community

Throughout the past I've seen quite a few people modded and demoded, on both ends for silly reasons. It's no secret that people pick on mod choices as just a big popularity contest, but is this poking fun at the thought excusing the [insert current owner here]'s choice in moderator-ship.

The most recent case was with the demodding of 3 people, 1 undeserving of what happened and 2 who did absolutely nothing wrong in the first place. After this, 2 people who never even posted an application was let through, one as a 'temp' but there's been 0 talk about them being replaced. They've gone from a temp to a perma.

While I was mod, most of the reasoning included "they're not known enough to the community" or "they're too popular and it may look like a popularity contest". By trying to avoid making it a popularity contest, are we making it a popularity contest?

All decisions are extremely biased. While voting for moderators have been discarded as a "popularity contest", wouldn't that be better than just the owner picking someone who's clique enough but not too much that people would rip into them?

Please discuss and share your opinions.

almost 8 years
the popularity owner is also considered the best

poll for new owner most votes wins
deletedalmost 8 years

Mac says

How is (insert here) mod! They're not (popular/unpopular) enough! Mod me instead!

it's funny because popularity does play an issue if you're a mod or not
deletedalmost 8 years
I am a Communist
deletedalmost 8 years
Remember when we did a poll for people to be lobby owner? we should do that again for mods. Then it'll REALLY be a popularity contest. Everyone wins.
deletedalmost 8 years
How is (insert here) mod! They're not (popular/unpopular) enough! Mod me instead!
deletedalmost 8 years

Merlot says

sammy says

i want modded, thanks bebop(:

youre a notorious banned user and furry!

deletedalmost 8 years
i want modded, thanks bebop(:
almost 8 years

sammy says

i want modded, thanks bebop(:

youre a notorious banned user and furry!
deletedalmost 8 years
i want modded, thanks bebop(:
almost 8 years
Well the best player overall competition aka ultimate circlejerker competition should be happening next month or so
almost 8 years
But here i was actually hoping for a new forum game.dam.
almost 8 years
No matter who is modded there will be complaint. No matter the reason of them getting modded. As long as they do their job its fine.
almost 8 years

Mac says

bdog1321 says

cub says

the only solution is what the solution has always been

sandbox doesnt need lobby mods

always tended to agree with you mostly on this, have like 1 or 2 max if you're gonna have mods. if they just relaxed the rule that led to 90% of sandbox mod actions, why do we still need 4 mods when there's nothing to do? it's just going to lead to another situation like in the error thread when there's a mass demodding because they don't do anything

If error's production is greater than the production of the other 3 mods then why dont we either keep the other 3 mods or just keep error

I'm not calling for anyone's head, just saying things how I see it. If you're asking, if it was up to me I would keep 2 of them as counsel
deletedalmost 8 years

bdog1321 says

cub says

the only solution is what the solution has always been

sandbox doesnt need lobby mods

always tended to agree with you mostly on this, have like 1 or 2 max if you're gonna have mods. if they just relaxed the rule that led to 90% of sandbox mod actions, why do we still need 4 mods when there's nothing to do? it's just going to lead to another situation like in the error thread when there's a mass demodding because they don't do anything

If error's production is greater than the production of the other 3 mods then why dont we either keep the other 3 mods or just keep error
almost 8 years

Bebop says

This is why I prefer just saying circlejerk so stupid semantics don't come into it
almost 8 years

cub says

the only solution is what the solution has always been

sandbox doesnt need lobby mods

always tended to agree with you mostly on this, have like 1 or 2 max if you're gonna have mods. if they just relaxed the rule that led to 90% of sandbox mod actions, why do we still need 4 mods when there's nothing to do? it's just going to lead to another situation like in the error thread when there's a mass demodding because they don't do anything
deletedalmost 8 years

bebop says

what an intelligent and well thought out response that was. you really showed me.

almost 8 years
the only solution is what the solution has always been

sandbox doesnt need lobby mods
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
So being popular makes you a mod but being a mod also make you popular?

So we have



but then platypops said being a mod makes you unpopular



So if

popular = mod = unpopular

then by transitive property

popular = unpopular?????

Where does this end
almost 8 years
Everything is a popularity contest lol. I mean, come on. They're nicknamed the clique for a reason.

Not saying that all the mod choices are bad, since at least some of them are actually doing a good job. But there definitely are cases where favoritism and popularity play a role.
almost 8 years
Nah. It's the clique
almost 8 years
there's less evidence of modding because we have lightened up on the rules. in addition, when we give warnings (which is most of what we do) or monitor for banned users, we don't make posts in mod actions. we do mention and discuss almost every action we take to ensure fairness. and in addition to that, we have an understanding as a mod team that we are monitoring ourselves and others for inactivity.

oh, and my application wasn't posted because i was at work when bebop posted the deadline and when he actually locked it. i was out of the mod chat while they discussed adding a new mod, but they waited several days to make a final decision.
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

as i said, reports and mod actions are not necessarily indicative of activity, platy and trick are much more active in the mod chat when we discuss decisions and are more active on the site in general.

I think it's clear how we pre-selected a mod back in July then, nice to know how much someone talks in the mod chat is how much they're worth Mr. Hierarchy ´_ゝ`

Jabs aside, reports and mod actions are signs of how well mods are doing. I'm fine and dandy with them doing a good job behind the scenes but there is no doubt in my mind that that the order of activity is SirAmelio, sl0nderman, tricksterer, thoughtfulolive, platypops/bibty.

Again I think these are all good people but in moderation it may be lacking. I dunno if they were good choices or just people who wouldn't retaliate against error unlike 2 people who were demodded in the past that didn't agree with him

I digress
almost 8 years
mod me back, i wont say fâg again xd