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Mentor/Mentee Info & Sign Up Thread

over 7 years

The Basic Premise:

This program is designed to help mafia players of all experience levels (not just for new players) improve their knowledge and skill-set through the one-to-one guidance of mentors. Mentors are chosen as players who have a deeper understanding of the game and are willing to share that with others. As a mentee, you will work with a mentor or mentors at your desired pace and times.

How this will work:

To be assigned a mentor, please comment below. If you are below the required point threshold to post on the forums, please message:


There are two programs:

Basic: introduces players to mafia through Classic Mafia, a standard and simple mafia setup. Here, you will be introduced to the basic mechanics and in-game terminology. Any further questions you may have pertaining to the website, game, or tactics will also be answered.

Advanced: based on mentor oversight in ranked and unranked games. The site administrator implemented a function that allows a mentor to see his or her mentee's role without directly participating in the game. They will be able to share their thoughts and give guidance to their mentees. Mentees may also opt to play competitive games with their mentors and debrief when it's over.

Mentors cannot under any circumstance treat you any differently than any other player in a ranked game.

Mentee Application

  • Username:

  • Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced):

  • Availability:

  • Timezone:

  • Additional Notes:

Note to previous applicants with an inactive mentor or have not received one yet: It would be appreciated if you could RE-APPLY in this thread if you are still interested as your applications were lost when the thread was deleted. Thanks!

Mentor Application

  • Username:

  • Timezone:

  • What days and times are you available to mentor, on a regular basis?

  • What level mentees would you like to teach?

  • Why do you want to be a mentor?

  • What qualifies you to be a mentor?

  • What would you like to get out of the mentoring program and what would you like to give to it?

over 7 years

Heck says

InfinityMidnight says

*cough I mean now you have this

a 50% winrate over 10 games isnt bad

6 loses to 4 wins now. Tbh I don't think you're not good enough to be a mentor but I don't think a screenshot of recent games is good considering you're losing
deletedover 7 years

Cody says

i would like my mentor hat back


- cody

I want cody to mentor me pls
over 7 years

InfinityMidnight says

*cough I mean now you have this

a 50% winrate over 10 games isnt bad
over 7 years

Nathan says

Hold tight this should be revamped within a couple of days for the umptieth time. Sorry for the delay and feel free to keep posting applications here they will all be dealt with once we catch up with everything.

over 7 years
i would like my mentor hat back


- cody
deletedover 7 years
yes hello i see lots of trash tier applying to be mentors which is hilarious but now that i'm back i can be a mentor like you wished before thx
over 7 years
*cough I mean now you have this
over 7 years
i should be a mentor

heck, i don't even need to fill out the form

over 7 years
I suggest we make ABC a mentor.

ABC would always bypass on alts anyway no matter how many times we ban them, so why not become a mentor and train new players?

I would personally would love to train under ABC.
deletedover 7 years
nathan will u be my epicmafia mentor??
over 7 years
Username: k9trip
Timezone: Central Time

What days and times are you available to mentor, on a regular basis?
All day Sundays, and anytime after 3 on Saturdays. Additionally any time between 4:15 and 5:45 weekdays.

What level mentees would you like to teach?
I would like to teach Intermediate-Advanced players with a open mind to learn.

Why do you want to be a mentor?
I like to help people, and I also want to help make the players of epicmafia understand how to play and so everybody has a fair chance to have a good time.

What qualifies you to be a mentor?
I am a good player who understand how to play mafia and I love to do it. I also understand all concepts of epicmafia very well. I also have played in different lobbies and understand how epicmafia works in general.

What would you like to get out of the mentoring program and what would you like to give to it?
I would like to help make the epicmafia community better and I know helping other people can help me find new ways to become a even better player. As a added bonus, at the end of the day I can even make a new friend!

Thank you for time and I hope you consider making me a mentor as I believe I can make the EM community a better place for everybody. -Trip
over 7 years

MafiaCrusher says


why don't you just hack edark's account and make yourself one :)
over 7 years
over 7 years
Hi I want to be mentored. Thanks
over 7 years
i'll be windswept's mentee
over 7 years

sineadiio says

just get gritt to do it lol

aint no deleting people's posts on my watch filthy moderator scum.
over 7 years
I'd like to have becomeclear mentor me please
over 7 years
What days and times are you available to mentor, on a regular basis? Morning time.
What level mentees would you like to teach? All levels are welcome.
Why do you want to be a mentor? Helping and teaching is fun
What qualifies you to be a mentor? My veterancy and 2 trophies.
What would you like to get out of the mentoring program and what would you like to give to it? It's just a game and i'm here to help, this sounds like too serious of a question to me
over 7 years
don't forget nathan said i am not qualified to be a mentor sorry to all my fans
deletedover 7 years
just get gritt to do it lol
over 7 years
I cannot bring myself to do such a deed! Jks I'm at work and on phone and phone em is too hard to navigate and figure out the ban length etc. It'll be sorted later tonight so enjoy your temporary freedom xo
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
It's under construction hopefully we'll be able to get back to you within a couple of days.
over 7 years
I'm evangelical about the mentor system; give me the little red hat and I shall zealously mentor players who wish to improve.
over 7 years
Hold tight this should be revamped within a couple of days for the umptieth time. Sorry for the delay and feel free to keep posting applications here they will all be dealt with once we catch up with everything.