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Mentor/Mentee Info & Sign Up Thread

over 7 years

The Basic Premise:

This program is designed to help mafia players of all experience levels (not just for new players) improve their knowledge and skill-set through the one-to-one guidance of mentors. Mentors are chosen as players who have a deeper understanding of the game and are willing to share that with others. As a mentee, you will work with a mentor or mentors at your desired pace and times.

How this will work:

To be assigned a mentor, please comment below. If you are below the required point threshold to post on the forums, please message:


There are two programs:

Basic: introduces players to mafia through Classic Mafia, a standard and simple mafia setup. Here, you will be introduced to the basic mechanics and in-game terminology. Any further questions you may have pertaining to the website, game, or tactics will also be answered.

Advanced: based on mentor oversight in ranked and unranked games. The site administrator implemented a function that allows a mentor to see his or her mentee's role without directly participating in the game. They will be able to share their thoughts and give guidance to their mentees. Mentees may also opt to play competitive games with their mentors and debrief when it's over.

Mentors cannot under any circumstance treat you any differently than any other player in a ranked game.

Mentee Application

  • Username:

  • Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced):

  • Availability:

  • Timezone:

  • Additional Notes:

Note to previous applicants with an inactive mentor or have not received one yet: It would be appreciated if you could RE-APPLY in this thread if you are still interested as your applications were lost when the thread was deleted. Thanks!

Mentor Application

  • Username:

  • Timezone:

  • What days and times are you available to mentor, on a regular basis?

  • What level mentees would you like to teach?

  • Why do you want to be a mentor?

  • What qualifies you to be a mentor?

  • What would you like to get out of the mentoring program and what would you like to give to it?

over 7 years
Username: Remixful

Timezone: EST

Availability: Usually past 10 P.M on weeknights

Type of Mentorship: Advanced

Why I want to be a mentor: Many people request my help, and I want to strengthen the competitive player base

What qualifies myself: Trophy winner, consistently pies on my accounts, widely regarded as a player

Additional Notes: I have been playing epic mafia before you were born.
over 7 years
dyl and jeff should be mentors, i personally think that jeff is one of the best current players.
deletedover 7 years
dope copy pastes dyl's mentor applciation and becomes a mentor whilst dyl doesnt

over 7 years

odin says

juke senpai

never call me senpai again and i can mentor you
over 7 years
juke senpai
over 7 years
hands off my mentees
over 7 years
i'll mentor sineadiio
over 7 years
who deleted my mentee application... wtf
over 7 years
For anyone who wishes to become my mentee, please complete the following form:



Have you ever received a HC or harassment vio?

Have you ever been banned?

Are you upset easily?

Give me 3 compliments:
over 7 years

sineadiio says

I'd like xjuicy to mentor me please

over 7 years
i dmand vilden as my mentor!
over 7 years
vilden and Escurai want me as their mentor... all that's left is to wait!
for Nathan to do.. something
deletedover 7 years
I'd like xjuicy to mentor me please
deletedover 7 years
Username: dope

Timezone: EST

Availability: Usually past 10 P.M on weeknights

Type of Mentorship: Advanced

Why I want to be a mentor: Many people request my help, and I want to strengthen the competitive player base

What qualifies myself: Trophy winner, consistently good pies on my accounts, widely regarded as a good player

Additional Notes: I have taught the greats
deletedover 7 years
Username: Dyl

Timezone: EST

Availability: Usually past 10 P.M on weeknights

Type of Mentorship: Advanced

Why I want to be a mentor: Many people request my help, and I want to strengthen the competitive player base

What qualifies myself: Trophy winner, consistently good pies on my accounts, widely regarded as a good player

Additional Notes: Please stop ignoring my application, along with many other players who are qualified to be mentors. Off the top of my head, Jeff, Juicy, and brownpimp (and many more that I'm probably missing) are all players who have been rejected by the program which makes no sense. Either start accepting good players as mentors regardless of their reputation on the site, or put someone in charge who actually cares about competitive mafia and knows who can teach people to become better players.
over 7 years
Username: Pohps
Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): Advanced
Availability: 24/7
Timezone: +10 GMT
Additional Notes: I'm enthusiastic to learn this game, I want to become at least top 5% of epic mafia players in competitive. Thanks
deletedover 7 years
Mentee application:
Username: TogeTPS/FattyToe
Type of mentorship: Advanced
Availability: Weekdays: 4pm-10pm Weekends: 10am-10pm (wont be active at all times though)
Timezone: AEDT
Additional notes: I would probably only send 1 game a day, however this will help incredibly. I still ask many questions in games and had not known about the mentor thing until hoax told me about it. Me asking many questions in games makes people think im mafia so i would like a mentor to ask them the questions :) thank you.
over 7 years
Username: Shrub/desuo
Timezone: NZDT
What days and times are you available to mentor, on a regular basis? I will not mentor on a "regular" basis, I will mentor ingame or through spectate when the oppurtunity arises. I could be expected to answer questions from mentees within 24 hours.
What level mentees would you like to teach? Advanced or intermediate if I like them. I would not mentor people who are unmentorable or are not willing to learn. I do not claim to be amazing at Mafia but I do know how to make myself and others better. I would prefer to mentor people of my own choosing from those who apply or I see needing it in game.
Why do you want to be a mentor? Because you need main lobby mentors. People need to learn to play competitive or it will die and I want to be able to play enjoyable high tier games when I do decide to play Mafia.
What qualifies you to be a mentor? I know Mafia. Regardless of how much I try or how well I do in a game I am qualified to teach players. One does not have to be perfect to help someone else improve. It's also far easier to teach other people than it is to properly critique yourself. But outside of that and trolls opinions of me when I try to play Mafia I am one of the better players on this site.
What would you like to get out of the mentoring program and what would you like to give to it? I want to get a better quality of comp game for when I want to play a serious game of Mafia. I will give it my teaching ability. Although I'm mildly hungover right now I'm pretty sure i would be a very good mentor. For people who are willing to learn who I am willing to teach
over 7 years
make me a mentor on juke not this account thx
over 7 years
I would like a fancy hat. Please make me mentor. Thank you.
over 7 years
Username: Memeryga
Availability: Not 11 AM - 3 PM
Timezone: EST
I keep getting bopped in ranked help me, what does the orcracle do?
over 7 years

jess says

CassidyCascade says

Mentee app <3
Username: CassidyCascade
Type of Mentorship: Advanced
Availability: Not often on weekdays (maybe from around 6-9pm), and quite often on weekends. However I am free most days this week.
Timezone: GMT
Additional Notes: ehhh idk.

i think cassidy wants to strongly request me as their mentor

they may live 4839 miles away from me but we can make long distance work just sayin
over 7 years
can i be an apprentice my skills suc
deletedover 7 years
Make me a mentor or else
over 7 years

CassidyCascade says

Mentee app <3
Username: CassidyCascade
Type of Mentorship: Advanced
Availability: Not often on weekdays (maybe from around 6-9pm), and quite often on weekends. However I am free most days this week.
Timezone: GMT
Additional Notes: ehhh idk.

i think cassidy wants to strongly request me as their mentor