I am fairly postive all powers are connected with the cards.i can kill people (and i am immune to death every odd night) Fool was .. Fool . Sane/insane cop based on a coin flip lol :P Fool's luck as they say. Then we have streingth with a vest. I wont be suprised if all powers are connected to the cards we have
Following through with this, I'm presuming mist only said the first bit. In bold
but I'm still awfully confused about the that's happening
I can't find the role that -papuito is claiming, so maybe it's not happening when he's at L2? I'm not sure what that role would pertain, don't get me wrong on role mechanics but we need a little more information.
Papuito tell us or rather me about your town crier role thing if you want me to unvote.
So i will explain in detail and ill just say what i was hinting at in that claim. I have 2 cries that im allowed to send out. the difference between a normal em crier is that i can send the message in advance and have it said if something is triggered which in this case day 1 i put it at if i was L-2. The other thing i hinted at in that cry was im also allowed to do this at night which is kinda cool
Can you explain why it triggered when you weren't at L2 then?
I just figured it was a manual cry and I wanted you to come clean with it.
I pmed mist and asked them to post it because i realize i couldn't hint this role and get out of it like if i didn't do this im pretty sure it would have been triggered anyways and gerry I think the only thing im confident on are my townreads. Which are you and Sincerely. I am open to hear what other people think of my townreads.
Iamnotabc so i guess what your saying it my role has to do with my tarot?