i guess i can start collecting pre-in's now for FM21. setup i have atm is for 15 people. pm/skype/whatever me if you know you're gonna wanna play. will probably start around friday at the latest.
deletedover 8 years
oh you can also search by author but advance search is kind of hard to find.
so basically it's a bit weird but ISO's do exist.
deletedover 8 years
so i figured out how to set up the forum such that we have things like tables and centering and fun stuff like that. and ACTUAL ITALICS. none of this red text nonsense. there's not a real ISO function but there is a way to sort posts by author which is essentially an ISO just less intuitive and not quite as good.
I set up a phpBB forum. It's another option for us to play on since it gets around some of EM's limitations. It still doesn't have things like ISO's or activity logs unfortunately so I'm not sure it's worth the effort but I'm tinkering with it.
natalie literally just specified a theme and setup she was going to host so it might be better to wait and not have conflicting games in such a small forum (since there might not be enough people for both)
deletedover 8 years
XxeroxX I would Co-Host with you
deletedover 8 years
each player similar to tarot has a D&D Character class and the flavor of their abilities is derived from it