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Forum Mafia 20: Tarot Mafia

deletedover 8 years

Welcome to Forum Mafia 20: Tarot Mafia.

Game has ended during Day 5 in a town win.

Setup Notes:

  • 72 hour days, 24 hour nights.
  • This setup is role madness; everyone will be a power role.
  • This game will be for 13 players; 10 will be town and 3 will be mafia.
  • I will be using Natural Action Resolution.
  • A sample town role PM may be viewed here. Additional flavor may be present in actual role PM's for both alignments.

The rules are located here.

Events Log:

Most Recent Voting Log: 5.01 (Page 185)

  • Page 2: Day 1 begins.
  • Page 82: UltraAug is lynched.
  • Page 83: Day 2 begins.
  • Page 124: A voice echoes through your minds.
  • Page 167: Ripple is lynched. Day 3 begins.
  • Page 178: Shamu is lynched. Sincerely is killed. Day 4 begins. denial's role is revealed.
  • Page 183: IAmNotABC is lynched. Transcend is killed. Day 5 begins.
  • Page 185: Gerry is lynched. Town wins.
over 8 years
Can I in for the FM

I promise I'll try to post once
over 8 years
i signed up :3
deletedover 8 years
i guess i can start collecting pre-in's now for FM21. setup i have atm is for 15 people. pm/skype/whatever me if you know you're gonna wanna play. will probably start around friday at the latest.
deletedover 8 years
oh you can also search by author but advance search is kind of hard to find.

so basically it's a bit weird but ISO's do exist.
deletedover 8 years
so i figured out how to set up the forum such that we have things like tables and centering and fun stuff like that. and ACTUAL ITALICS. none of this red text nonsense. there's not a real ISO function but there is a way to sort posts by author which is essentially an ISO just less intuitive and not quite as good.
over 8 years
i signed up gerryoat
deletedover 8 years
i might be able to add some more stuff with custom BBCode but we'll see if i can even figure that crap out.
deletedover 8 years

I set up a phpBB forum. It's another option for us to play on since it gets around some of EM's limitations. It still doesn't have things like ISO's or activity logs unfortunately so I'm not sure it's worth the effort but I'm tinkering with it.
over 8 years
Ah, nvm, Found it ;P
over 8 years
where? what account? what you talking about???
deletedover 8 years
ok i changed it so you can register but i need to approve your account.
deletedover 8 years

matt says

Perhaps allow people to actually register for the website?

I'm keeping it closed until I'm actually ready to start the game because if you don't do that, it gets filled up with spam bots.
over 8 years
Perhaps allow people to actually register for the website?
over 8 years

mist says

If someone else has a setup they wanna host I'll give them the chance first.

I just want to host after yours.. If someone helps me.
deletedover 8 years

mist says

If someone else has a setup they wanna host I'll give them the chance first.

You should host it so I can join
deletedover 8 years
If someone else has a setup they wanna host I'll give them the chance first.
over 8 years
natalie literally just specified a theme and setup she was going to host so it might be better to wait and not have conflicting games in such a small forum (since there might not be enough people for both)
deletedover 8 years
XxeroxX I would Co-Host with you
deletedover 8 years
each player similar to tarot has a D&D Character class and the flavor of their abilities is derived from it
deletedover 8 years
I Have D & D forum mafia
over 8 years
But a game i design.
over 8 years
I want to host. I am great at naming and abbilities :3
deletedover 8 years

mist says

few questions if people don't mind

1) is anyone else interested in hosting? I've started thinking about a new setup but if anyone else wants to try their hand at hosting i want to give them the opportunity

2) how did people like role madness as opposed to standard setups? the thing about these setups is even if they're balanced (not saying this one was, hard to say) they often have a lot of "swing", meaning they go heavily towards one alignment or the other.

3)any other comments on how the game was run would be appreciated. thanks for putting up with my constant errors in the voting logs & such.

1) Would be interested in hosting

2) Thought it was more fun despite unbalance

3) Really Great
over 8 years

mist says

few questions if people don't mind

1) is anyone else interested in hosting? I've started thinking about a new setup but if anyone else wants to try their hand at hosting i want to give them the opportunity

2) how did people like role madness as opposed to standard setups? the thing about these setups is even if they're balanced (not saying this one was, hard to say) they often have a lot of "swing", meaning they go heavily towards one alignment or the other.

3)any other comments on how the game was run would be appreciated. thanks for putting up with my constant errors in the voting logs & such.

i think you and jeff should host 1 i think he was looking for a cohost.

i liked this role madness compared to the tracker one, that one was confusing af lol.

i think the game was run perfectly thanks again for hosting!
deletedover 8 years

Sneak peak at Role PM & flavor for the next game I host (click for better resolution)