Чрез методологическо четене , разбрах че имаш прикрити мотиви. Тези мотиви стават наясно след като прегледах отношението ти спрямо определени играчи. Също така става ясно от казаното "Между Редовете" в твоите съобщения към Gerry.
Според мен само Мафиотска роля която най-вероятно не може да бъде намерена с полицейска професия би си дала толкова централна позиция в текущите конфликти.
deletedover 8 years
ERrtqwtwtwt OKAY I'll just never say my thoughts in a post again.
I have a friend who lived in your country for two years Xerox. I mean it earnestly that I'd appreciate you typing up why I'm mafia in your native tongue so I can have them translate it and I can maybe understand your thought process better. I'm not being sarcastic. It would help.
At this point I think this guy's logic may be lost in translation which actually makes this incredibly unfair for him and for all of us because he's impossible to understand. Have a good day Xerox.
I can't vote you. I can't get a read. It's not because of your stellar play style. It's rather because you're a bumbling buffoon who refuses to OUT reads and when you do they are completely contradictory to anything anyone has said. I said I didn't SR Gerry and your reason for voting me is because you think I actually secretely have some deep dark hidden SR on him which is a Vilden tier fallacy constructed in your mind that if anything should convolute itself into you think I'm unequivocally town for having hidden REAL reads. Like what????
If anything Xerox, what you're saying would make me town lol. If I'm mafia I couldn't have real reads and you saying I have deep secret reads that I'm hiding for later is actually virtually impossible for a mafia lol
Now you are just clearing yourself and saying you are town because i think your playstyle is weird.
Man why is this guy even here. He's not trying. Nat can you make this guy do something. It's ridiculous that he won't participate and immediately turned into this useless heap of flour that says he won't talk to people nor explain reads. Get someone who will actually try this is fu'cking stupid and unreadable.
No reason to play if i was easilly readable. It is my playstile. This is how i play epic mafia in those small rooms with 8 ppls outside of the forum.
If you do not like my process of thinking, you are welcomed to vote me.
If anything Xerox, what you're saying would make me town lol. If I'm mafia I couldn't have real reads and you saying I have deep secret reads that I'm hiding for later is actually virtually impossible for a mafia lol
Man why is this guy even here. He's not trying. Nat can you make this guy do something. It's ridiculous that he won't participate and immediately turned into this useless heap of flour that says he won't talk to people nor explain reads. Get someone who will actually try this is fu'cking stupid and unreadable.
this is the best post jeff has had this game lmao
deletedover 8 years
Man why is this guy even here. He's not trying. Nat can you make this guy do something. It's ridiculous that he won't participate and immediately turned into this useless heap of flour that says he won't talk to people nor explain reads. Get someone who will actually try this is fu'cking stupid and unreadable.
I want to tr this but I keep thinking back to ate jeff in forum mafia w/e zzzzzz
Man why is this guy even here. He's not trying. Nat can you make this guy do something. It's ridiculous that he won't participate and immediately turned into this useless heap of flour that says he won't talk to people nor explain reads. Get someone who will actually try this is fu'cking stupid and unreadable.
I specifically said to Gerry on page 25 that I didn't ever ever scumread so please tell me how you found between the lines a read of me saying I FOS Gerry.
I will keep my vote on you.
Lets see if you are telling the TRUTH.
But i bet soon or later you will vote Gerry. You will "scumread" him eventually. And then you gonna say that you just "Recently" fos him, when the truth is you have fos him since the start.